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samedi 23 décembre 2023

 Two months afterward, Republican Congressperson Charge Hagerty presented the Advanced

 Exchanging Clarity Act, which gives that a computerized resource not subject to a assurance by the SEC or a government court, and recorded through an mediator that meets certain necessities related to guardianshiprevelation, and other speculator assurances, would not be considered a security. In July of 2023, an overhauled adaptation of the RFIA was presentedpointed at giving more prominent shopper securities in the midst of a cascading virus of liquidations among blockchain companies and partners. Eight days afterward, House Agents Patrick McHenry, Chairman of the House Money related Administrations Committee, and Glenn Thompson, Chairman of the House Committee on Horticulturepresented the Money related Advancement and Innovation for the 21st Century Act (the “McHenry-Thompson Bill”), which gives a statutory system for advanced resource control expecting to supply clarity and fill administrative crevices. Both the House and Senate bills look for to coordinated the control of computerized resources and advanced resource subsidiaries into the existing U.S. administrative system – essentially that of the SEC and CFTC – instead of make a standalone systemexamined advance underneath.

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