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lundi 20 mai 2024

Proven Ways to WORK LESS and MAKE MORE Money? be rich in 2026. it' time . selling your time for money?

 I used to think the harder I work and

the more hours I put in the more money

 I would make be the first one in the

office the last one out put your hand up

for all the new assignments and then one

day it will pay off but this couldn't be

further from the truth fast forward five

years and I'm making double the money in

half the time so in this articleI thought

it would be interesting to share with

you how to make more money by working

less everything I'll be sharing in this

article has come from a combination of my

own personal experience and a lot of

wasted time literacy papers from

productivity experts and lessons from

some of the most successful business

people in the world let's get into it

the first thing I did was put myself in

the right auction room I was paid less

than my worth for years not because I

like the skill set but because I didn't

put myself in the right room if you're

thinking you should be making more money

than what you're getting find a market

that holds more value to your skills so

what do I mean by this a friend of mine

owned a piece of land it was passed down

from his parents and he knew he could

make some money from it so he put up for

sale through a local auction in

Oxfordshire which is just outside of

London and he made a 25 profit two

months later that same piece of land the

same location same size exact same

everything was listed for sale by the

new owners on a London website and sold

for 100 profit that same piece of land

fetched a far higher price purely

because it was on the right auction

website where there was more demand and

where the value for that land was

significantly higher I reflect on this

analogy in other areas of my life I

worked in a bank where I felt like I was

being underpaid years after years I was

asking for a pay rise and I was told I

was at the maximum for my corporate

title for whatever reason I decided to

move to a different organization with

the same experience the same set of

skills same years of knowledge and I got

paid 30 percent more this is what I've

learned in life if you're not getting

what you want from the room that you're

in then leave and knock on another door

I have a set of skills be it numbers

analytical skills speaking whatever but

as I put myself in different rooms and

different industries that exact same set

of skills is valued completely

differently so it's not always about

okay how do I improve my skills or how

do I work more to show my worth but

instead how do I maximize my earning

potential by putting myself in a room

where my skills are going to give me the

greatest rewards where will your skills

reap the greatest return so that you're

not working for less than your worth

number two the Steve Jobs rule this rule

is one that you can apply to so many

areas of your life your career your

relationship your businesses and I've

coordinate the Steve Jobs rule because

he applied this principle to turn Apple

around and stop it from going bankrupt

it's the Pareto Principle and it

suggests that 20 of the cause creates 80

of the results in relationships we get

80 of the Joy from 20 of our partners

Behavior we aware 20 of our clothes

eighty percent of the time well maybe

100 of the time for me and when it comes

to my YouTube 20 of my articles have

brought in Eighty percent of my revenue

and subscribers when Steve Jobs came

back to Apple and the company was

struggling financially the first thing

he did was identify where eighty percent

of the Prof profits were coming from and

he cut the remaining products out and

for a long time Apple's brand was based

on the iPad the iPhone and the Mac it's

not always going to be 80 20 it can be

70 30 or 90 10 but the point is the

majority of results come from a minority

of causes and the reverse is also true

the minority of results come from the

majority of causes and I use this

concept to make more money whilst

working less I think about what 20 of my

to-do list is going to produce 80 of the

results and I focus only on those areas

which have the highest return on

investment I align my day so that I can

give the most Focus to the projects that

pay the most and then move on to the

lower impact projects after the cash

cows have been tended to number three is

set an achievement date I'm the sort of

person that if I plan to try something

new I'll spend ages trying to make sure

I understand every single thing and that

I have a plan for every possible outcome

before I even start however I have

learned that this is far from ideal one

to actually make more money and work

less I need to make sure I don't stay in

the emotion phase for too long and

there's a quote on this don't mistake

activity for achievement to produce

results tasks must be well organized and

properly executed otherwise it's no

different from children playing around

in the playground lots of activity no

achievement so now when I have a new

idea or a new project one of the first

things I'll do is set an action date

when I first wanted to get into real

estate I would spend weeks months

learning every single minute detail that

I can and get my head around every

number and then analyze every part of

every deal three times over what would

the returns be what are the properties

selling for finding out who has put in

an offer what price what returns are

they making and I just didn't for

whatever reason put the offer in I

wouldn't pick up the phone and say this

is my offer and part of this was because

I was too concerned about what would

happen if my offer was accepted then I

need to do all the work and what if I

didn't work out what if I then lost the

money I was so stuck in the motion phase

the wheels were moving and I'd done all

the preparation that I needed to that I

felt like I was getting somewhere and I

was on my way to making money but I

actually just wasn't making the money I

wasn't taking the final step to get me

to the end result I wasn't taking the

action needed for me to stand a chance

to make more money so now whenever I

start something new I would first pick

an action date for when I'll do that

thing and work backwards I can always

move it around but I'll give myself a

non-negotiable date or when I move from

the planning stage to the action stage

so that I'm not working for longer than

I need to doing the wrong thing knowing

that you have something that you're

working towards will help you get out of

your own head and get to the results

you're looking for quicker the fourth

thing I did was focus on value over hour

to escape the time for money trap you

need to create scalable and automated

source of income that are not directly

tied to your time for most of us in day

jobs the main way we think about

increasing money is by either working

longer hours or increasing the value in

your existing role to increase your

salary and this was also my thinking for

many years the issue with this is that

it comes with the limitations there is

only so much of your time you can sell I

mentioned in one of my other articles I

have a friend who's a personal trainer

before the pandemic she used to do

one-to-one coaching sessions she would

go do this through her local gym she

would go to people's houses she would

train them she'll do it through her gym

she was fully booked and she had almost

50 clients when she got comfortable with

the one-to-one she started expanding

doing group sessions hiring rooms

running workout events but after a point

she realized it became impossible to

keep taking on more clients to keep

hiring bigger rooms because no matter

what she did she just didn't have more

time to give she was capped she could

earn a bit more here and there but there

wouldn't be any sharp increases in her

income then the pandemic hit and she

went online she started off making free

content whilst at the same time building

an app that tells people what to eat

what workouts to do and then when the

app launched the majority of our clients

signed up to the app friends were

recommending other friends who were

recommending other friends and there was

no cap to how many people could sign up

and therefore how much money she can

make through it she was putting in the

same hours but making more money of

course the latter may be more risky it's

a riskier route to start at that point

there isn't always a guarantee that will

work out but the rewards can be much

greater if you want to make more money

by working less to get out of the Rat

Race you want to change your perception

of working to sell your time for money

think about a skill you have that can

add value to the most people possible

and think about using that in a way that

can positively impact others and what

the biggest problem you can solve can be

the fifth thing is to be the captain and

there is something that Naval ravacan

tweeted that has really resonated with

me over the last year and is that what

you choose to work on and who you choose

to work with are far more important than

how hard you work and that really tells

you everything you need to know about

working smart it doesn't matter how hard

you're working if you're not working on

the right thing and even if you are

working on the right thing no matter how

capable you think you are you will

always get to a point where to take it

that much further you need to work with

the right people and there is a saying

that is the captain commands but the

Rovers steer and it highlights the

importance and the role each person

plays and how they all work together to

make sure the boat is sailing in the

right direction in the same way if you

constantly get bogged down in the

day-to-day task and you get fully

involved in rowing you won't be able to

see the bigger picture and know whether

or not the ship is even sailing in the

right direction a way to make more money

without doubling your time or working

harder is by working on the business

spend your time working on the business

and then get the support of others who

are more skilled than you are in

different areas to work in the business

so those are five things that I've been

doing to make more money whilst working

less if you want ideas on income streams

you can start which don't require you

selling your time for money then I have

another article  here that you may enjoy

thank you so much for watching don't

forget to subscribe if you haven't

already and I hope to see my next article

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