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lundi 20 mai 2024

LOOKING Poor Is Important get in to know why?

 ladies and gentlemen  probably one of

the biggest ironies of money and having

wealth or being rich is that you don't

have to look rich in order to be rich

which is hard for many people to

understand because we have this common

belief that being rich is a very visible

thing of expensive nice possessions but

true wealth is invisible it's about

living an average modest life the

everyday rich person becomes Rich

because they see the importance of

looking poor and when I say looking poor

I'm not talking about wearing raggedy

clothes and driving a car with a bunch

of emissions coming out but I'm just

talking about living modestly with no

visible indicators of their money think

blue jeans and a t-shirt driving an old

Honda in order to build wealth and

become more financially secure it's

important to see the importance of

looking poor and changing your view on

what it means to be rich and so in this

video I want to talk about seven reasons

on why looking poor is important and the

first reason is looking rich is the

quickest way to going

broke now thinking that being rich is

about making it visibly known as

actually the quickest path to going

broke I mean we see this all the time

with professional athletes who all of

the sudden start making millions of

dollars let's say this athlete makes

$20,000 a month then gets a giant house

a collection of cars in tons of stuff

increasing their expenses to $20,000 a

month and although they look and feel

rich in the moment when the money stops

coming in which is something that

happens pretty quickly with athletes

they have these high expenses but no

income no savings and immediately go

broke it doesn't matter how much money

you make if you spend all your money

then you won't have any money if you're

making $20,000 a month and spend $20,000

a month you are still one surprise

expense away from going broke looking

rich is not sustainable in the long term

and so looking poor is important because

it is sustainable in the long term when

you live modestly and instead build up

your wealth you're always prepared for


surprises when you look poor you'll

never go broke now the second reason is

looking Rich burdens you with

liabilities the problem with looking

rich is that you mainly end up buying

something called liabilities which are

things you owe and when you decide to

look rich these liabilities really

burden you and prevent you from growing

wealth for example if you want to look

rich and get nice clothes with a credit

card a fancy car with an auto loan in a

big house with a high mortgage you have

all these liabilities to worry about and

so whenever you make money a huge amount

goes to paying off these liab

abilities or if some surprise expense

comes up like you lose your job you

might not be able to cover these

liabilities and declare

bankruptcy having too many liabilities

makes it hard to get ahead in life and

so looking poor is important because you

avoid having too many liabilities and

you end up having more money to buy

something called assets which are things

that provide you future benefit when you

decide to look poor and limit your

liabilities you have have more money to

build your assets like your emergency

fund buying stocks or other

Investments which helps you grow your

wealth and so looking rich is a

lifestyle burdened with liabilities but

looking poor is a lifestyle enriched


Assets Now the third reason is that

looking Rich makes you live in survival

mode as I just said looking Rich makes

you buy liabilities making it harder to

grow your wealth whereas looking poor

allows you to buy assets making it

easier to grow your wealth and when

you're trying to look rich and you're

spending all your money on liabilities

you end up living in the survival mode

of making money getting nice things

paying for these nice things running out

of money and making money again

regardless of how much money you make if

you're living this lifestyle where

you're trying to look rich and spending

all this money on liabilities you're

going to end up in this vicious circle

of survival mode always in the need to

make money to pay off your liabilities

and so looking poor is important because

it allows you to buy more assets to grow

your wealth and so instead of being

trapped in this survival mode you make

money have less expenses to pay for and

invest the difference in Assets in

overtime your assets will grow to the

point where you don't have to worry

about running out of money before the

next paycheck comes in because you're

assets are making you money the problem

with looking rich is that it forces you

to see money as this thing that allows

you to survive to pay off your things

but looking poor allows you to use money

as a tool to grow your money and Thrive

now the fourth reason is that looking

Rich makes people view you

differently another huge con of looking

rich is that when you portray to the

world that you have money people start

to view and treat you differently for

example your friends and family might

feel entitled for you to help them you

could surround yourself with phony

people and people could try to take

advantage of you looking poor is

important because it's really best that

people don't know how much money you

have when you look like an average

person you're viewed as equal people are

more authentic around you and no one's

trying to get something out of you the

truth about the world we live in is that

it is a doggy dog world out there and if

people think you have money because

you're portraying to the world that you

have money you open up the possibility

of many people trying to take advantage

of you now the fifth reason is getting

rich is just a collection of many small

decisions if you watch my channel you

know this is my full-time job I am a

full-time YouTuber and I have been doing

this for about 2 years and in these 2

years I have grown this channel to

880,000 subscribers and over 7 million

views let me tell you something ladies

and gentlemen it ain't easy but when I

look back at this experience of growing

this Channel and just trying to make it

on my own in life I can't point to one

thing that has led to the success but

when I think about it it's really tons

of small decisions that I made every

single day being consistent over a long

period of time continuing to push when

things are down studying what the

audience audience wants studying

failures and successes and learning new

skills the success of this channel comes

from many small decisions over a long

period of time and that concept is

really the equation to achieve success

in anything in life especially when it

comes to Building Wealth making many

small decisions that ultimately add up

to something much bigger over time and

looking poor is important because it's

all about making small decisions every

single day that add up to something much

bigger for example a smaller house could

save you money a cheaper car could save

you money and focusing on living

modestly in general can help you save

money and when you have that extra money

as I said before you can use it to buy

assets to build your wealth over time

looking poor allows you to make small

decisions each and every day to save

money and build your wealth now the

sixth reason is true wealth doesn't need

to prove itself many people who try to

look rich and convince other people that

they have money are usually just

drowning in debt because their entire

lives are just funded by debt car loans

High mortgages and maxed out credit

cards when people look rich they're just

trying to prove to other people that

they have money but why because true

wealth doesn't need to prove itself when

you have real wealth in life you don't

feel the need to prove it to other

people because you have freedom security

and options in your life and those are

empowering things that are so personal I

mean when you have options why does it

matter if other people know and so

looking poor is important because the

less you care about what other people

think the more empowering money is the

less you care what other people think

the more you can use money as a tool to

live the life that you want now the

final reason that looking poor is

important is financial peace is just


I think to some extent everybody wants

to have nice things I mean whenever you

drive past an absurdly large house I

think that everyone says to themselves I

wonder what it's like to live there I

think that people try to look rich and

get a bunch of nice things because it's

something deep in our human nature we're

attracted to shiny things big things and

abundance they're cool things but you

know what's much cooler Financial Peace

there's nothing better than not having

to worry about money there's nothing

better than having wealth that gives you

Freedom options and flexibility in your

life because having that type of wealth

allows you to sleep easy every night

knowing that whatever surprise tomorrow

brings you at least don't have to worry

about money and so looking poor is

important because although fancy

possessions are cool to have having

Financial Peace is much cooler having

having Financial Peace is just much

better and if anybody were to disagree

with me on that I would just say that

you have lost touch of what is truly

important in this world and so wear a

faded t-shirt drive a car with DSE in it

and invest more of your money because

the freedom that you get in exchange is

worth far more than the freedom that's

taken away from all these liabilities

all these material possessions that you

get from looking rich and those are the

seven reasons why looking poor is so important.

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