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lundi 20 mai 2024

50 Things I Don't Buy or Pay For in 2024 (Minimalism, Saving Money, Slow Living)

the sense of something that saves me

money or is more convenient and somehow

simplifies my life let's get into it

starting off let's talk about cable and

streaming services not only do I not

have cable but I don't have Netflix I

don't have Hulu I don't have Amazon

Prime video I don't have any of those

services and the reason is that I just

am not a big TV person I just don't care

that much about TV most of the video

content I watch is from YouTube and on

the odd occasion that there is a show on

one of the streaming services that I

want to watch I will sign up for it for

1 month I'll watch the show and then

I'll cancel it and it's really easy to

not be a TV person when you don't have a

TV which is something else that I I just



what are you guys doing in here okay

well speaking of streaming services

something else that I don't buy or use

or pay for is Spotify and that's simply

because I personally prefer to have

actual records I just really like the

tangible experience of listening to

music as an experience rather than just

as background noise or listening to a

whole album rather than just listening

to a song realistically speaking Spotify

is significantly less expensive than

buying actual records but to me it's

just not the same let's get you out of

here now something else that I never buy

is the newest Tech anytime that I've had

to upgrade something like my phone for

example I'm always happy to buy a much

older model like when the iPhone 10 came

out I went and bought the iPhone 7 and

when the iPhone 14 or 13 or whatever

came out I went and bought the iPhone 11

the truth is that nowadays there's very

little difference between the newest

release and something that came out a

year or two or even 3 years ago and so I

don't really see a reason to pay premium

when I can get basically all the same

features at half the price now something

else that I've stopped buying is what I

call uncertain or adventurous fashion

and I I guess I need to give a little

bit of context and explain what that

means by my terminology you know when

you go to the store and you try on a new

piece of clothing and maybe it's a

little bit different than something you

would usually buy or usually wear and

you look at it and you're like yeah like

it looks good on me it fits well it

checks all the boxes but it just doesn't

really feel like you I've stopped doing

that because time and time again I would

buy something that was a color that

maybe I wouldn't typically wear or a

pattern or a style that I wouldn't

typically wear and even though there was

nothing wrong with it and it looked fine

on me I just found that once it was in

my closet I never really reach toward I

wear basically the same thing every

single day and as much as that might be

boring to some people to me it's just

what I'm the most comfortable in and I

always feel my best in it because it is

what feels like

me and that leads easily into the next

point which is impulse purchases and

things that are on sale A good rule of

thumb to follow is that if you actually

needed or wanted something you'd be

aware of it and so if you walk into a

shop and you just see something that

appeals to you on a whim but you didn't

think about it before that or it's just

on sale and you want to buy it because

you think it's a good deal you probably

don't need it and by doing that not only

do I save money but I save myself having

a lot of clutter around the house and

avoiding impulsive purchases is actually

quite easy for me because I don't have

Amazon Prime I've definitely talked

about this in other videos but I think

that having prime subconsciously causes

you to spend more money than you

otherwise would just because there's so

little friction between you and buying

basically anything you could ever want

in the entire world by not having

unchecked access to free shipping all

day every day it actually gives me time

to consider each purchase before I make

it or maybe to even have to go out to a

store to buy it which I'm not going to

do if it's not something that I haven't

actually set out to buy not having a

Prime membership is something that I

kind of hold as a personal principle

like I don't subscribe to their service

because I don't believe in their

business model and it's not something

that I want to pay for or support and in

that same way something else that I'm

also very passionate about not paying

for is banking fees and credit card fees

and I know I've touched on both of these

points in previous videos I refuse to

pay a bank for the privilege of holding

onto my money for me it's just something

that I absolutely will not do so I

prefer to work with small Banks or

credit unions and there's plenty of them

out there for my credit card I use it

just like a debit card I pay it off in

full at the end of every month so that I

don't have to pay any interest or late

payment fees or penalties and I just

yeah I don't want to give my money to

corporations like that for no reason I

also refuse to pay for like a financial

advisor or an investment broker or

anybody like that most of these guys

charge 1% for managing your portfolio

and people don't tend to realize but

over the lifespan of your portfolio your

investment career that can reduce your

earnings by hundreds of thousands of

dollars it works out to being about 30%

of your growth over time which is crazy

and so I mostly just buy lowcost index

funds I set them and forget them I don't

really have any reason to pay somebody

to do that for

me a bunch of vitamins and supplements

in fact you guys are currently standing

on the Shelf where all my vitamins used

to live and now it's just a big blank

empty space I try to eat healthy most

days I really do and I think most of the

time I do an okay job but I have a lot

going on most weeks just doesn't always

work out the way that I had planned in

fact more weeks than I would like to

admit I wind up eating pasta five nights

in a row for dinner just because it's

easy and it's quick and I mean I like

pasta I'm not going to lie I don't

really feel like guilty about it but I

know it's not the most nutritionally

complete thing and I think that having

something additional to just fill in

those gaps is a really good thing but to

be totally honest I don't love taking

pills I found that it was always a

really hard routine to stick to because

it was just unpleasant to me this is one

area of my life that has really needed

simplification a big thank you to ag1

for sponsoring today's video ag1 is a

foundational nutritional supplement

designed to support whole body Health it

contains 75 vitamins minerals and Whole

Food sourced ingredients including

antioxidants adaptogens prebiotics

probiotics everything you need ag1 is

GMO free it's glutenfree it's vegan

friendly it's NSF certified for sport

which means that they use the highest

quality ingredients possible every

morning I take one scoop and mix it into

some water I like to add some ice cubes

I find that it's extra refreshing when

it's extra cold give it a

shake I usually drink this on my my way

into work or just before I leave the

house dripping it down my face if you're

wondering what it tastes like I would

say the predominant flavor is kind of

pineapple it's a little bit tropical and

fruity since I've started drinking ag1

I've noticed that my skin is a lot

clearer I've noticed that I have a lot

more energy throughout the day like I

don't get that midafternoon crash like I

used to and if you really care to know

my poops have been superb if you head

over to drink recording to Nicole

you'll also get a free one-year supply

of vitamin D3 K2 drops plus five free

travel packs so just head over drink recoring toico or click the link

in the description box down below thank

you again to ag1 for sponsoring today's

video fast food or coffee out because

well I mean you're in my fridge I have a

fridge full of food I have food and

coffee at home why do I need to go pay

somebody a premium to make a worse

product than I can make for myself I

also just don't go out for lunch in

general like I'm not a big eater in the

morning I don't eat breakfast at all

ever uh and I usually eat a really small

lunch of just like a small sandwich and

a cup of tea and then dinner is my big

meal but the idea of going out and

getting like lunch out getting some

really heavy kind of elaborate meal as

my first meal in the day is not at all

appealing to me I've also never used

Uber eat or skipped the dishes or any of

those types of apps and all of those

meal delivery kits I think they're

really overpriced as well you're

basically going through all of the

trouble of having to cook at home having

to wash all the dishes but the meals

wind up being almost as expensive as

ordering in so I'm not sure I really see


point this one's also probably pretty

obvious but I don't buy a bottled of

water um obviously I mean it's not good

for the environment but it's also just a

huge hassle to have to go to the store

and buy water and drag those cases home

and it's like overpriced cuz it's just

water I mean water is almost free from

the top so yeah no bottle of water in my



house cleaning yard work and other small

projects if there is something that I am

physically capable of doing on my own I

generally just prefer to do it myself

not only because it saves me money but

because I really just like knowing that

I have done things a to my standards and

B if it's something I've never done

before that I've learned a new skill

most recently I replaced the headlight

bulb the cabin filter and the air filter

in my car on my own I looked up some

tutorials on YouTube it seemed easy

enough I spent $60 on all three parts

combined and it only took me about half

an hour to put them all in and if I had

taken my car into a shop to have that

done I would have spent hundreds of

dollars in shop fees and labor fees to

have it done and I did it myself and now

I know that it's something that I can do

I've installed my own light fixtures

I've painted part of my house on my own

if I can do it I'm going to do it I know

my limitations I don't mess with things

that are likely to cause explosions or

fires or floods or anything dangerous

but if I can do it I will and I actually


to hey look who's

here say hey buddy

hello I don't pay for pet insurance I

just don't really believe in insurance

for things that are not legally required

I think that it's kind of a cash grab

insurance companies or for profit

companies and I don't really see the

point in paying them for something that

I may or may not use I've always just

preferred to put money aside in a

savings account so that if I need it I

have it and if I don't need it I still

have it I also don't pay for dog

grooming dog walking or dog sitting I

can groom and walk him myself and I

would much rather do that than take the

chances of somebody being unkind to him

or mistreating him or not taking good

care of him same thing for dog sitting

if I need somebody to watch him he's

generally just going to go to my mom's

place but if somebody ever hurt him I

would have to dispose of a body and uh

yeah I really don't want to have to deal

with all the chaos so I just avoid all

of that and take care of him by myself

right right love you love you I'd kill

somebody if they hurt

you should we do a rapid fire here

really quickly animal products don't buy

them cuz I'm vegan fabric softener don't

buy it because it gunks up your machine

and your clothing and makes your

clothing wear out faster dryer sheets

don't buy them because they're not

really necessary Car Wash I don't really

buy it because my car gets washed for

free in the rain and I really just don't

care that much about my car and holiday

Decor I don't buy it because I don't

really celebrate most holidays and I

don't really care to have to store

things for 364 days a year just to put

them out for one day doesn't make a lot

of sense to me a smartwatch or Fitness

tracker I know when I've been active in

a day and I know when I haven't been and

I don't really feel the need to have

something strapped to my wrist telling

me that I'm not doing good enough I know

I don't care and as far as a smartwatch

in particular I have a phone I don't

need a tinier phone stra to my wrist

seems wasteful to me not a big fan

likewise I don't have a Google home

speaker or a hey Alexa or whatever that

stuff is called um I have two

functioning legs I can turn my own

lights on and off I can add things to my

calendar on my own I think it's a really

useful thing for somebody who's maybe

disabled or handicapped but for the rest

of us um yeah yeah I just think it's a

think it's a tool for laziness unpopular

opinion but I said what I said

recreational substances this one's

probably somewhat self-explanatory but I

don't do drugs I don't smoke I don't

think other people should do drugs or

smoke but I guess whatever makes you

happy um as far as alcohol I drink very

very little very infrequently not to any

extent that is really even considered

recreational it's more like a culinary

pairing for me most of the time at best

but uh yeah drugs are bad and cost money


make your teeth fall out so don't do

drugs or do I don't know I'm not your

mom do whatever you want no as your

counselor I'm here to tell you about

drugs and alcohol and why they're bad

okay cheap furniture when I first moved

out on my own I was flat broke I found

myself in a house that I really couldn't

afford to furnish so I did what a lot of

people do and I just bought the cheapest

Furniture possible I bought this $30

Ikea table which really needs to be

replaced I bought a $400 couch I know a

lot of people assumed that it was an

Ikea couch but it was actually

significantly worse than an Ikea couch

this couch was never comfortable from

the very first day I brought it home and

within 6 months it looked worse than

what most people put out to the curb my

aunt works in the interior design and

real estate industry actually she

recently found my channel so she might

be watching this video hello um but she

was able to get me an inn with one of

her wholesalers who sold me this couch

and I'm pretty sure that this place

sells Furniture to Realtors and to

designers for the purpose of staging

like I don't think you're actually

supposed to use this furniture because

it's so terribly made but nonetheless

that's what I had and while you might be

thinking that it served its purpose for

a while I would tend to disagree because

I just wound up having to get rid of it

and buy all new all over again and

spending more money in the long run and

in fact I had a hard time getting rid of

that couch cuz it was so beaten up I

tried putting it for free on the

internet and nobody seemed to want it

the city wanted $50 to haul it away I

was like oh my God I spent $400 on this

terrible couch nobody even wants it I

have to pay to get rid of it now I try

to invest into higher quality pieces and

definitely that's why my house is not

still fully furnished cuz good quality

Furniture is absolutely not cheap but

I'm trying to be more intentional with

my purchases and I'm trying to take my

time and buy things that are good

quality things that are going to last

and things that I actually really like

so that I can make the most use of them

and get the most value out of them in

the long run even if they cost more UPF

front makeup I obviously don't really

wear makeup once in a while I'll use a

little bit of concealer if I have like a

pimple or a blemish that I'm trying to

hide but otherwise I just have never

really been a makeup person I have

fairly rea active skin and I think that

clogging my pores with additional goop

on my face probably isn't going to help

I also don't wear nail

polish a new car I have never bought a

brand new car and I can't really ever

foresee myself doing so unless I somehow

wound up in a position where I had more

money than I knew what to do with I'm

not saying that that's the position that

everybody's in when they buy a new car

but knowing how much value a car loses

pretty much as soon as you drive it off

the lot and how quickly it continues to

lose value after that to me it just

doesn't make any sense kind of like what

I was saying before about buying a new

phone I just buy one that's a couple

years older I save a whole bunch of

money and it does exactly the same

thing generic art I've only recently

started putting stuff up on the walls

here I've been in this house about a

year and a half now and after doing some

Renovations and trying to get everything

sorted I'm a little bit behind but I

just really don't want to hang a bunch

of generic stuff from like Marshalls on

my walls I don't see the point in that

and I think that it just means a lot

more when you curate your space Within

things that actually have a sentimental

value to you rather than just buying the

same print that everybody has on their

walls or that's in every single real

estate photo or whatever

else now something that I used to buy a

little bit every once in a while and

I've stopped doing entirely is video

games I have never ever been a gamer in

any sense of the word but I used to

every once in a while enjoy playing a

little bit of PlayStation or maybe

downloading an app on my phone and I

realized that even though it wasn't

really bringing any value to my life I

was using it as a distraction tactic to

prevent myself from doing the things

that actually needed to do or working on

the things I actually wanted to work on

and so I decided just to cut it out

because it wasn't how I wanted to

allocate my time but something that I

have never paid for and never bought and

never believed in probably never will is

extended warranties I take pretty good

care of my stuff and obviously things

can happen outside of your control but I

tend to just kind of bet on the fact

that it's most likely not going to

happen and even if it does happen i'

would much rather just deal with that

when and if it happens then spend extra

money in anticipation of something that

might not it's kind of exactly what I

was saying before about pet insurance

extended warranty how can I

lose now I know that before we were

talking about how I like to wear pretty

much a same thing every day something

that I have never bought and that I

probably never ever will buy is theuse

clothing I am a little bit of a

germaphobe maybe a little bit more than

a little bit and just the idea of going

to a thrift store and buying something

that like might have bed bugs on it or

have someone else's Bo caked into it

it's a no from me I just I can't do it

but at the same time I do try to avoid

buying like really cheap clothing or

fast fashion in fact I have never ever

shopped at H&M or Zara or xen or any of

those places on the AAS I do buy

something that's more from the fast

fashion realm something that's a little

bit cheaper and more mass-produced I

still try to be conscious to make sure

that it is somewhat wellmade that it

still seems to be decent quality and I

wear it pretty much indefinitely until

it wears out and one that probably will

not apply to most people but definitely

applies to me is a gym membership I

really just don't like working out I

know how that sounds I I just I don't

really care about working out I like to

be active in the summer I like to go for

long walks I'm happy to go for a bike

ride I'm happy to like do that kind of

stuff where it's fun and enjoyable but

working out just for the purpose of

working out to me is not enjoyable and

perhaps it's because I don't really have

a goal like I'm not trying to lose

weight I'm not trying to build muscle

and I'm sure people are going to have

something to say about that but I don't

care let's go to the kitchen for a

second now if you were to follow

marketing hype you might be led to

believe that you need a whole bunch of

different household cleaning products a

different product for pretty much every

surface in your place right

wrong I don't buy a million different

cleaning products in fact I get most of

my cleaning done with just two different

things one of which is a

multi-purpose spray cleaner whatever I

buy a big concentrated bottle of this I

use Mrs Myers but you can use whatever

you like put a couple tablespoons into

here fill the rest with water it is good

for the countertops it is good for the

cabinets you can use it to dust down

pretty much any surface or wipe down any

surface I use the same product to mop my

floors just a little bit into a bucket

of hot water and the other thing I use


Barkeeper's Friend this stuff is great

for the kitchen sink it's great for the

bathroom sink toilet bathtub shower you

name it and with these two things I can

clean the vast majority of my house

without having to invest a whole bunch

of money and buy a million different

products now while we're in the kitchen

something else I also don't like to buy

Are Spice Blends like premixed spice

Blends things like taco spice or gam

Masala I prefer to make my own spice

Blends at home it's much cheaper and

they're actually generally much better

I've always found that the store-bought

spice mixes are excessively salty and

not very flavorful so I just make them

at home I have pretty much every spice

you could ever want I have an entire

drawer full of spices so there's really

no reason for me to buy premixed Taco

spice or whatever else and in that same

line of thought I've stopped buying

salad dressing because once again I find

that most salad dressing from the store

is either excessively sugary or

excessively vinegary and it's not

particularly Pleasant and I can make

pretty much any salad dressing at home

from scratch using ingredients I always

have on hand and again it will be way

better and much less expensive and

something else that I'm very much

against buying in general is cheap

kitchen gear we were talking before

about friction and about how the more

friction there is involved in doing

something the more difficult or

unpleasant it is for you to do something

the less likely you are to do it

consistently that's pretty much common

sense I think that the reason a lot of

people don't cook at home consistently

is due to friction in the kitchen due to

not having nice gear to use if your

knives are dull if your pans are

scratched and dented and gross or maybe

your food sticks to them all of these

things are going to make you less likely

to want to cook from scratch at home

good kitchen gear doesn't have to be

particularly expensive but even if you

really want to splurge and get something

a little higher end in most cases it's

still going to be significantly cheaper

than ordering in all the time and if

that's the thing that allows you to

continue to cook at home and to be

consistent about it I think it's a great

investment to make but on the topic of

food something that I don't buy is

organic groceries we talked about this

in last week's video when I unpacked

five scams that have become so

normalized we don't realize them anymore

I generally find organic food to be

quite scammy in its nature like I just

don't think that it actually is that

much better for you certainly not

something I'm willing to pay more for

and so most of the produce I buy most of

the groceries I buy are not organic and

I don't really

care gifts but bear with me before you

get too angry here I don't believe in

buying gifts for people just for the

purpose of buying gifts like just

because it's a certain holiday or their

birthday even I don't think that there's

a point in buying something for somebody

if it's not something that you know that

they're going to want and need and use

and appreciate I think it's wasteful I

think it also makes it incredibly

awkward to give somebody something that

you know that they don't actually care

about and then they have to pretend that

they appreciate it when they don't so if

there's something that I can buy for

somebody as a gift that I know that

they're going to appreciate I know that

they're going to enjoy I'm so happy to

do that I actually really like doing

that but buying something for somebody

just out of a feeling of obligation to

me is a tradition that should be left

behind and yes I do feel the same way

when I'm on the receiving end I don't

really appreciate people buying me

things that I don't like that I don't

want that I don't need I don't like them

wasting their money on stuff that has no

purpose I don't like cluttering my home

with things that I don't value and so

again if somebody is actually able to

give me a gift that I genuinely like and

appreciate that's awesome but I don't

really expect gifts just because it's a

holiday or my birthday or whatever else

I don't really care about that kind of

thing something else that I don't buy

are candles or plugins or diffusers I

tend to be pretty sensitive to smell and

I find all of that stuff even the

natural stuff to be incredibly offensive

smelling most of the time I find that it

gets into my clothing it gets into my

hair I can taste it in the air I hate it

for that same reason I also don't use

perfume again I just find it to be

overpowering and stinky I smell really

good I will say that about about myself

I won't compliment myself often but I

will say that I consistently smell

really good I smell like laundry

detergent I smell like coconut shampoo I

smell like deodorant like I smell like

flowers I smell good all the time but

it's not the kind of smell that's going

to punch you in the face when you walk

past me it's not going to choke you out

something else that I try very hard to

avoid buying are things that I'm only

going to use once are only going to use

briefly just because I think it's

wasteful again a waste of money and just

another piece of clutter in your home

that you probably don't actually need in

the long run so an example might be like

a tool if you need one tool for One

Moment One Quick job just try to borrow

those things from someone else if

possible or try to rent it and something

else that kind of fits into that same

theme are books I'm not the type of

person who likes to keep a book after

I've read it I really have no interest

in rereading most books and so I

actually don't buy new books I do like

to read I have bought a handful of new

books in the past but they're just

really expensive and I find that I can

read through them really quickly and

then it's like now what I know libraries

of course are an option I just prefer to

have a newer cleaner book I know again

I'm going to get Flack for that I'm just

just being honest but in my local

neighborhood there are some book swap

groups online so you can basically read

a book and then swap it with a neighbor

who has a book that you might like and

they might want yours and you can just

swap them a lot of people just give them

away for free and so I've been able to

amass a pretty decent collection of

newer releases that are in basically

mint condition and it saves me so much

money because books are now like $20 to

$30 each and if you go through a book in

a couple days it's just it's not

sustainable to me anyways that's it that

is my updated list that is 50 things

that's a lot 50 things that I don't buy

don't pay for don't own don't care about

maybe used to buy maybe don't buy

anymore I'm very curious to hear your

thoughts on all of these things I'm sure

some of them are things you guys will

agree with some of them are things you

will disagree with but that's what makes

us all different so that's life if you

enjoyed this video at all please go

ahead and hit that like button feel free

to subscribe if you haven't done so yet

cuz by the way in case you were unaware

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