if you're the type of person that spends
so much money on a necessary thing so
much so that you feel like it's become
an addiction that you no longer have
control over I'm here to tell you it's
not your fault the reason that you can't
control your spending is because we're
living in a world that our primitive
brains can't function and it's so clear
to see because we live in the age where
everyone is addicted to something with
that social media oving or online
it's very hard to have self-control in
the world that we're living in and if
you find yourself spending too much
money on unnecessary things if you find
yourself addicted to spending money then
this video is for you because in this
video we're going to analyze this
addictive world that we live in and how
to overcome it to create a better
relationship with money and a lot of
what we're going to talk about in this
video comes from this book dopamine
Nation by Anna lmuk so so in order to
understand why it's so hard to have
self-control in this world we need to
first talk about our past with chapter
one from scarcity to
abundance as I said if you have trouble
with spending too much money it's
probably not your fault because although
it's important to have self-control and
personal responsibility we're competing
against our own human psychology and let
me explain how by giving you a crash
course on human history which begins
about 200,000 years ago when we humans
were hunter gatherers and this was a
time of hardship and scarcity where our
biggest Pleasures were sitting around a
warm fire finding food in the story of
the hunt and we lived in that scarce
world for about
180,000 years until then about 12,000
years ago we human beings settled down
and discovered farming which made
survival easier and things were less
scarce and we can enjoy easier access to
food more security and easier work and
with all that extra time we started to
become more advanced which leads us to
today where we're living in this age of
comfort and abundance where we have
online shopping food delivery apps and
cars and so the reason that you're
having trouble spending too much money
is because our brains evolve of the
period of 200,000 years to live in a
world of hardship and scarcity but for
the last 50 years we've been living in a
world of extreme comfort and abundance
it's hard to have self-control with our
spending because our own human
psychology is against us our brains are
saying seek pleasure things are scarce
but we live in a time where pleasure is
extremely easy to come by which leads me
to chapter two the age of easy pleasure
so back in the day when we were chasing
the Buffalo before we sold out to the
man pleasure wasn't something that was
easy to com by I mean we might spend
hours walking through the forest
eventually find some berries and get
pleasure from eating those sweet berries
we put in all this effort first to
receive this small reward and this
pleasure was good for us because things
were scarce and did and encouraged us
but nowadays pleasure is so easy to come
by I mean we can simply pull out our
smartphones order some sugarcoated
berries on instacart along with a bunch
of candy and get it delivered to your
house we put in no effort to get the
reward and because we human beings love
our pleasure when it's extremely easy to
get we seek it out as much as we can and
we frequently buy things on Amazon seek
convenience through apps and buy nice
possessions we do these activities at
involve buying things and spending money
because it makes us feel good we like to
seek this pleasure but what ends up
happening is when we do this too much it
creates this addictive behavior where
you buy something to get pleasure then
you want to recreate that feeling but
you have to buy something bigger then
you have to buy something bigger and
eventually you find yourself unable to
control your spinning not because you're
addicted to stuff but because you're
addicted to the pleasure that comes from
spending money you're addicted to that
exciting feeling that comes from
spending money and because we live in
this world of abundance this world of
easy pleasure it's something that's
extremely hard to overcome but to
overcome this addiction we next need to
talk about how addictions work with
chapter 3 the pain pleasure seesaw all
right so now that we established that
the reason it's so hard to stop spending
money is because your brain evolved for
hardship and scarcity but is living in
comfort and abundance let's try to
understand how this creates an addiction
by talking about what the author of
dopamine Nation calls the pain pleasure
seesaw so let's imagine a seesaw or as
they say in England a TI and on one side
of the Seesaw is pleasure and on the
other side is pain this is your Natural
Balance now whenever you do a high
dopamine activity like online shopping
you push down on the pleasure side of
the Seesaw getting pleasure from buying
something in no pain however eventually
your brain wants to go back to this
balance so afterwards you might
experience some pain like boredom or
lack of contentment and once you're back
to that balance you want to experience
that feeling of pleasure again but this
time you need a bigger hit so you have
to spend more money which again
increases the pleasure side but
afterwards you experience some pain to
balance it out and eventually as you
keep doing this instead of returning to
a neutral balance your default balance
is pain and instead of feeling neutral
when you're not spending money you feel
bad and so you start to spend more and
more money to both get pleasure and
combat pain and so if you're having
trouble spending too much money it might
be because for so long you've been
seeking pleasure from the behavior of
spending money that you've created this
imbalance with your pain and pleasure
and the only way to break this addiction
is get back to that equilibrium so let's
talk about how we do that and how we can
ab break this addiction with chapter 4
returning to
equilibrium now I am not a psychiatrist
but if you're having trouble with
spinning too much money to the point
that you do not feel like you have
control over it chances are it's because
your pain pleasure seesaw is IM balance
your own brain chemistry is being
manipulated by this abundant world that
we live in and the only way to overcome
this addiction and control your spending
is to move back to equilibrium and in
the book The author offers two solutions
on how do this the first solution is
abstain from pleasure for 2 to 4 weeks
if you constantly feel the urge to spend
money to get pleasure or just to avoid
pain instead of constantly trying to
push down on the pleasure side simply
don't seek pleasure and this is
something that requires a lot of
self-discipline to do but for 2 to 4
weeks avoid indulging in spending money
distance yourself from online shopping
and avoid impulse purchases in over time
your brain will recalibrate and move
move back to equilibrium making you not
feel the urge to spend money to get rid
of that pain in your tolerance for
pleasure won't be extremely high and the
second solution is intentionally press
on the pain side of the Seesaw as we've
seen pleasure is always followed by pain
on the other hand pain is followed by
Pleasure so instead of constantly
seeking pleasurable activities like
spending money seek some painful
activities like taking a cold shower or
exercising because it will move your
brain back to equilibrium the goal is to
have this neutral balance where you
don't get trapped in this negative
feedback loop that's telling you to
spend more and more money to get
pleasure and avoid pain and when you get
back to this equilibrium you're able to
think more rationally and make better
decisions and that's how you resist the
urge to stop spending money but it's
much easier said than done so let's talk
about some of the obstacles that you'll
face when trying to overcome this with
chapter 5 overcoming emotional
obstacles in order to beat this
addiction with spending money there are
four obstacles that you might encounter
so let's talk about those four obstacles
and how to overcome them the first
obstacle is prioritizing long-term
rewards so the first obstacle that you
might face when overcoming this
addiction to spending
is focusing on long-term rewards because
when you're spending money you're often
focusing on short-term rewards you're
just getting that quick dopamine hit but
if you sit down and take the time to
write down some of your long-term goals
like having more Financial Security more
Financial Freedom in no debt then it
helps to motivate you to change your
behavior and see the cons of always
seeking these short-term goals now the
second obstacle is recognizing and
accepting your behavior patterns it's
very easy to recognize and point out
someone else's Behavior patterns but
it's very hard to recognize and accept
your own behavior patterns especially
when they're bad and when you have this
spinning addiction you might ignore
minimize or discount your patterns of
behavior you just sweep it under the rug
however if you do the uncomfortable Act
of being honest with yourself then you
can recognize your bad habits strengthen
your mind hold yourself accountable and
see you have the power to change it
being honest with yourself can open the
door to actual change now the third
obstacle is
isolation in the United States the
Surgeon General has declared an epidemic
on isolation in loneliness and when
people feel lonely and isolated they
turn to these addictive behaviors like
spending money because they think that
it brings them pleasure however it
doesn't work it just intensifies the
problem and instead we should discuss
our addictive behaviors with others and
find a supportive Community we humans
need each other and the pleasure that we
get from being around each other is much
more sustainable than the pleasure of
spending money and the final obstacle is
escapism a huge reason that people have
these addictive spending habits is
because we live in a very m mundane
world where not that much goes on and
people view it as a way to escape the
mundane world but this escapism brings a
lot of pain into our lives and instead
we should search to find hobbies and
passions that make life more interesting
and if you can overcome these obstacles
and move back to equilibrium then you
could stop spending too much money on
unnecessary things many people have
trouble with spending money because our
brains evolved in a time for hardship
and scarcity and now we're living in
times of comfort and abundance and if
you can recognize that the reason that
you're having trouble with spending too
much money is because your pain pleasure
seesaw is in balance and focus on moving
it back to equilibrium then you can have
a much healthier relationship with money
and that's how you stop spending money
on unnecessary things I hope this video
helped if you want to dive a little bit
deeper in this topic I recommend you
read dopamine Nation by Anna lmuk or
however you pronounce that last name and
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