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lundi 20 mai 2024

how to be financially independent in 2026? money mindset, passive income & investing for beginners?


I am here to teach you how to make you money. 

see the thing is society has told us all we have to do is go to school , get good grades,  get a good job keep climbing up the corporate ladder save a bit of money maybe invest it and then have a nice peaceful life post retirement but the thing is billions of

people have done that and are now getting screwed over by a cost of living crisis where everything is getting more expensive and no one can survive anymore and the only way to get out of it is to make more money not save it make it it is more than possible to become financially abundant at a young age and I spend the last few years improving my financial literacy so that now I can teach you how so this is how you enter your rich girl era make more money have it grow for you while you sleep be smarter with your finances and build the mindset of a millionaire let's go


chapter one what the rich don't tell you ?


this is about learning how to distinguish everything we would taught in school all of the wrong information that was given to us to have a scarcity mindset around money to have the poor girl mindset and now how we're going to learn about how a rich person thinks and how we're going to adopt that into our daily life now and of course to make this super easy to understand we're going to bring in our favorite girls


Lola and Athena Lola has a poor girl's mindset.

 so she thinks things like yeah I probably shouldn't go out to eat as much this month because I have to save as much money as I can in my bank account okay maybe if I stop getting my nails done stop going to Starbucks then I can save an extra 20 30 pounds every single month and put it in my bank account to save and then I won't touch it I just can't afford to eat healthily anymore I'm gonna have to start living on Ramen because everything's gotten so expensive okay money is looking really tight right now so I'll pick up some extra hours at work and then I'll get another job to work every weekend I just know I'm gonna be able to save up that extra 2 000 pounds over the next year so that I canfinally buy myself that Louis Vuittonbag now let's dissect what's wrong with Lola's mindset and how it's actuallydigging her into a deeper hole so Lolasaid that she wants to save as muchmoney as she can into her bank account, but what nobody tells you is that moneyin a Savings bank account is money wasted believe it or not the rich stay Rich by spending their money and movingaround constantly they do not let it sit in a savings account far away that they don't touch just letting that money collect dust and this is due to something called inflation if you have ten thousand pounds saved away in a bank account somewhere as the years go on inflation Rises and that ten thousand pounds loses its value meaning when you come back to in a decade to spend it it's not going to be worth nearly as much so instead the rich move their money and invest it into real estate and into stocks to allow their money to grow for them as time goes on this is still a

way of saving your money but doing it in


a smarter way the rich girl mindset also


knows that spending money is beneficial


to you whereas Lola would think that she


has to save everything and cut back her


expenses the key is to redirect most of


your expenses which are going on to


clothes and unnecessary items to then


into things are going to benefit you in


the long run like financial literacy


books buying courses to learn a


particular High income skill so that you


can earn more money spending that money


on opportunities on networking events


basically spending money to make money


Lola also thinks that when she stops


getting her nails done and she stops


buying Starbucks then she'll be okay


financially but this is wrong because


when you're picking up these Penny


pitching habits you are then living in a


financial scarcity mindset every single


day meaning you are continuously


reprogramming your subconscious to live


in this poor girl mindset always you are


always telling yourself that there is a


lack around money that will never be


enough you'll never be able to afford


nice things this negatively impacts your


manifestations and will affect where you


end up in life so quitting Starbucks and


canceling your Spotify subscription will


not significantly impact your Financial


Freedom in the future you must shift


your mindset from saving money to making


more money Lola also complains about


having to live off of foods like Ramen


because she feels guilty about spending


more money in the grocery store on


healthy foods you are exchanging that


currency in the store for wellness and


energy and fueling your body with all of


the right nutrients when you skimp on


things like a gym membership or healthy


food you are then depriving yourself of


the ability to operate at your best self


in your body your money is put to very


good use when it's spent on nourishing


your body and mind Lola also said that


she's going to pick up more hours at


work and maybe get an extra job on the


weekend to make more money this is wrong


working extra jobs for other people is


the worst financial decision you can


make why because your income will always


be kept because you are trading your


time for money constantly meaning when


you fall sick when you need to take a


holiday when you can't show up you are


not making money plus when you're


working for other people majority of


your money will end up going to taxes


anyway so right now if you do have to


work your nine to five do that and then


spend your extra time learning how to


make money online and how to build up a


passive income source so that you are


still earning money while you sleep and


lastly Lola's dreams are to save up


around 2 000 pounds to buy her first


designer handbag now I am all for


enjoying life and buying nice things for


yourself we're going to talk about that


more later but right now all I'm going


to say is that this is the wrong mindset


to have because when you spend 2 000


pounds on a Louis Vuitton bag you are


not then just down 2 000 pounds you're


actually down 40 000 pounds you know why


because if you took that two thousand


pounds in your early 20s and invested it


into stocks into a high-risk pension


fund over the years that would grow into


tens of thousands of pounds depending on


your age and when you invest and this is


an example of an asset versus a


liability if you are in a place where


you have to intentionally plan and put


money aside to be able to buy yourself


that designer bag then it is a liability


to you because then that is a lot of


money coming out of your pocket an asset


is something that brings you money in


for example not spending that two


thousand pounds on a bag but spending


that exact same two thousand pounds in


investing it and then it will bring you


in so much money instead plus I also


want to say you should not even think


about buying anything designer until you


can buy multiple of it my rule is don't


buy something unless you can buy three


of it now let's quickly run through


Athena's rich girl mindset in comparison


my main priority is making sure that I


am living as my best and healthiest self


so that I can give all of the energy


into actually making more money and


building up businesses and showing up as


my best self every single day I am


focused on making more money to fund my


lifestyle rather than penny pinching to


save as much as I can plus I have an


abundance mindset whatever I spend I


attract money always comes back to me


I'm going to transfer all of my


disposable income into my investments


and then anything spare I'll probably


put into my Isaac account so my money is


always growing for me I'm focused on


spending money to make money so even


though money's tight right now I'm gonna


prioritize putting it into financial


literacy books reinvesting in my


business so then I can generate more and


more through my business and hopefully


buying my first rental property one day


money is looking kind of tight right now


so I'm probably gonna go on YouTube and


learn some high income skills so that I


can start charging my clients for more


through my online business or I might


set up one more passive income source


that doesn't take up a lot of my time


but will still generate enough income in


the background when I'm doing other


things now let's talk about why this


mindset is going to make Athena Rich


Athena said that money is a bit tight


for her right now so she's going to


focus on building up further passive


income sources to generate money while


she's focusing on other things this is


an example of her diversifying her


income she is not putting all of her


eggs in one basket she knows that the


average millionaire has seven income


sources whereas the average person in


the UK or the us only has one and that's


their nine to five she also knows that a


savings account isn't going to get her


anywhere so she doesn't even take the


time to open up an extra savings account


instead she has her stock Investments


and she also has an eyesight now this is


going to make her money grow at a


slightly slower rate for sure but any


gains she makes on the money she invests


into this Isaac account all of the gains


will be tax free that is basically free


money you can put in maximum 20 000


pounds into an Isa every single year


that is the only kind of savings account


you should be considering and then you


touch it in a few years time maybe when


you're ready to buy your first home and


there would have been so much money that


has grown on top of it all it takes is a


quick Google search or contact your bank


to learn how to set up your eyesight


account if you are based in the UK this


way she's constantly moving her money


around so it's working for her and it's


not losing value due to Future inflation


and lastly Athena has an amazing mindset


because she is not focused on showing


off to others many people make this a


priority they want to look richer than


they actually are she knows she has the


money in her account right now to go out


and afford a Gucci bag but she also


knows the value of that Gucci bag is


going to continue to decrease every


single year so what's the point the only


type of designer bag that's an asset is


a Birkin I know you're sat there


probably thinking oh okay so I know I


have to build up a passive income Source


but that sounds easier than it actually


is and how do I know what to do I got


you okay first of all all it takes is a


Google search literally just type in


passive income ideas there are so many


like thousands of articles on the


internet where people will lay out for


you but to make your life easier I'm


going to give you some ideas right now


pick a subject that you know really


really well and then invest some time


into building a course online there are


so many websites online so like I think


kajabi is one skillshare is one all you


have to do is literally spend maybe a


week putting and all of your time and


energy to build up this course with the


most valuable knowledge put it out onto


the internet and then it's done you


literally don't have to work or touch on


it again and then it is consistently


generating Revenue in the background


while you are focusing on your other


endeavors as people continue to buy your


course on the internet to learn your


knowledge then we have the most popular


way to build up a passive income source


and this is building up a business for


example it could be an e-commerce


business like on Shopify selling jewelry


like me for example you can work on it


to the point where you can eventually


step aside from the business hire people


to run it for you and go off and enjoy


your life then you're waking up to money


every single day and not even having to


work hard for it you can set up an ATM


business a vending machine business look


at investing in dividend stocks start a


YouTube channel your face doesn't even


need to be on it I've said this in


another video before people literally


upload to our fireplace videos on


YouTube and you'll spend one weekend


pushing out all of these videos on


YouTube and then your YouTube AdSense is


constantly generating your money all the


time because these videos are watched by


millions of people all over the world


every single day and you will be making


money like that another great passive


income Source idea is to just sell


downloadables on the internet all you


need is to go to is completely


free let's say you make artwork say you


make prints for people to print off and


like put in their home save your digital


art sell it on Etsy you don't need to


ship to anywhere all people will do is


they'll maybe spend three to five pounds


to download this rbook that you made in


five minutes on canva to then print out


and put it in their home I have two


prints in my apartment right now that I


bought off someone from Etsy I know they


spent five minutes on this on canva but


I couldn't be bothered to do it so I


bought it from someone and once again it


takes one day of creating this art


putting on Etsy letting it run in the


background and the money just keeps


rolling in and you don't have to do


anything from that point and the list


keeps going on and on and on but if you


are a teenager or if you are really


struggling to commit any time at all to


building up any of these sources I get


it like it's in the way then I have the


perfect thing for you and it's an app


called honey game so honeygain is a free


app you can download on the App Store


and I'm going to teach you guys how to


use it so basically the purpose of this


is all you're going to do is while


you're working while you're sleeping


whatever you're doing you can just press


this little power saving mode button


here enable that


your screen will dim as if it's off but


on the side go about your day and do


whatever you want to do and whilst


you're doing that is generating you


money when you are using this app


consistently it would be able to


generate you enough income to cover your


Spotify or Netflix subscription Netflix


or Spotify subscription every year is


about 120 pounds that is 120 pounds that


you could be investing and multiplying


doubling tripling at the end of the day


the key to successfully investing is


starting as early as possible and this


is due to something called compound


interest this app is going to allow you


to invest at an earlier stage without


having to do anything at all if you


still think this is too good to be true


you can check out honeygain on


trustpilot tens of thousands of people


endorse them online and show proof of


the money they've made by using this app


you connected 10 devices to this you


could literally be earning at least


thirty dollars every single month the


way honeygain works is that you generate


the easiest passive income ever by just


sharing your internet connection with


honeygame and also not to worry that app


will not collect any of your private


data on anything like that so don't wait


any longer you officially have no more


excuses to have an extra income Source


remember diversifying your income is the


key you can use my code or the link in


the description all of the info will be


on the screen and at the top of the


description to sign up today and get an


extra five dollars added to your account


so you can start earning ASAP chapter


two making and investing money so let's


talk about the main benefit as to why


you should be investing at all and why


it should never be an option that you


skip out on if you are in your early


twenties and you invest 200 to 300


pounds every single month or let's say


you just invest one lump sum in your


early 20s of ten thousand to twenty


thousand pounds without paying anything


else after that you will be a


millionaire by the time you retire given


that you do this in your early twenties


now I've just given you rough numbers


and not an exact figure because it all


depends on your age if you start when


you're 16 17 18 you're going to be in a


better place than the rest of us this is


due to compound interest the key to


investing is to start as early as


possible able even if it means you are


just investing five pounds every single


month being a millionaire isn't just


capped by a retirement fund you can


still reach Financial abundance at an


earlier age and reach millionaire status


if that's your goal right now by


focusing on making more money instead of


saving money and then pouring that into


stocks and real estate there are plenty


of coaches online that teach you how to


make 10K plus a month passively if you


have a Wi-Fi connection and you have the


internet at your fingertips there are


truly no excuses for you when other


people talk about putting aside 200


pounds every single month in your 20s to


invest people on the internet complain


and they're like oh but who has 200


pounds spare in their early 20s in a


cost of living crisis


stop you are making excuses what is you


commenting that on the internet where is


that getting you stop just simply


existing and accepting your fate and


start taking action to actually change


it I already gave you guys several


passive income stream ideas in the last


chapter so let's say you pick one of


those right let's say you're finally


making a few thousand extra a month


let's say you're on 10K a month now what


do you do in order to achieve Financial


Freedom you have to get into the


investing game and there are a few ways


to do this what I just mentioned about


investing 200 pounds every single month


in your early 20s consistently to then


have that grow to A Million by the time


you retire you can do that by investing


into a high risk pension that's what I'm


personally doing so that by the time I


reach retirement I'll have this big lump


of money invest in having a pension


advisor who's going to do all of this


work for you the second way to make and


invest and grow your money is to open a


business the reason that running a


business is superior to working a


nine-to-five for the rest of your life


is that not all of your money is going


to go to taxes when you work a nine to


five and your salary is a hundred


thousand pounds a year that one hundred


thousand pounds all of it is getting


taxed and then you're losing about 25


000 pounds let's say to taxes when you


run a business and your annual turnover


is a hundred thousand pounds so you're


making the same amount you're only


getting taxed on 50K because the other


50k you can write off for business


expenses plus that 50k that you're


writing off in expenses they're not bad


expenses you shouldn't be in this


business of trying to save so much money


you're making your money work for you so


that 50k in expenses was 50k keep hire


and pay your employees who are then


working for you so you can step back


from the business they'll run the


business for you grow it for you so then


you're making way more than 100K anyway


and it might sound like a lot but you


are more than capable of doing it right


now if you can pour the energy and time


into it I have a friend who's 21 and she


can literally step back from her


e-commerce business and have it run for


her because she poured her time into it


when she was 17 she hired employees and


now she's financially free but you don't


even need to open a traditional business


in that sense you could do Amazon FBA


you could do Drop Shipping you could


flip things on eBay and make a profit


the third and most common way to invest


is with stocks or what we like to call


ETFs a bunch of ways to do this you can


even download free apps on the App Store


to do it I'm personally using an app


called trading212 and this is where you


can buy stocks the easiest way to


explain what an ETF is is basically a


group of 100 companies in the stock


market or 500 companies and you are


investing a little portion in every


single one rather than choosing random


companies like apple or Tesla or


Microsoft and just putting a little bit


of money towards each an ETF makes sure


that you're not putting all of your eggs


on one's basket you're making a more


safe decision because you have a little


bit invested everywhere once again all


it takes is a little bit of research to


know what you should be investing in


what I do is I literally go on Tick Tock


and I watch what other people are doing


what are the most popular ETFs the


fourth way to invest is real estate now


a lot of people get this Twisted okay


people think one day I'm Gonna Save up


to buy my first home and then I'm gonna


live in it I'll have a house whatever


and in 40 50 years time it's going to


Triple in value and I'm Gonna Be A


Millionaire that's not how it works and


you've been taught wrong a lot of people


think that the house they're saving up


for their whole life and end up living


in will double in value and therefore is


an asset but it's not it's actually a


liability and you know why because


you're living in it and you're paying


the mortgage that means money is leaving


your pocket if money is leaving your


pocket the thing is a liability okay


assets come with cash flow the house


you're living in doesn't because of the


amount of money that you pay with uh


Renovations maintenance doing it up the


amount of money you're paying monthly


with the mortgage not to mention the


added value the house will get within 40


to 50 years are you taking inflation


into account because that big number


you're imagining right now is it going


to be worth that much in the future


rental properties on the other hand are


assets this is when you buy a property


maybe you'll do it up a little bit and


then you'll start renting it out to


other people and essentially you become


their landlord that every single month


is cash flow into your pocket the


mortgage you have to pay is factored


into the rent they pay you every single


month plus profit and therefore you're


making money every single month another


great way to do this to get extra cash


flow and very fast is to do something


called a HMO this is when there's


multiple occupancy within a home so


let's say you buy a house to rent out


but you rent out every single bedroom


this means you'll have maybe three or


four rental incomes from these each


people coming into your pocket every


single month


talk about an asset and the fifth way to


make money very simple multiple streams


for example let's say right now you as a


beginner one stream of income is your


nine to five now let's say you're


putting in 20 pounds every single month


into an ETF on the stock market that is


your second stream of income your third


stream of income is let's say you've


started a d-pop business or you're


flipping things on eBay you're fourth


let's say you've written an ebook on


something that you're really good at and


specialize in or you've set up a course


you spent two or three weekends working


towards it you're selling it online and


I was generating you passive income all


the time or if you're all down you're a


little bit more financially stable let's


say your fifth one is that you own a HMO


you're renting out properties to other


people another great passive income


source is become a ugc influencer this


is when you don't need to create kind of


like a name for yourself you don't need


to have hundreds of thousands of


followers essentially you're


specializing in content creation for


Brands so you build up a portfolio and


you ask Brands to send you products for


free to start off with and you basically


create ad content for them that they can


post on their Pages as it's as if an


actual influencer made it for them all


you specialize in is the filming the


editing the photography if that's what


you're interested in you can do this


with zero followers once you've built up


a portfolio and a client base Brands


will literally start paying you to make


content for them I know people that make


10K plus doing this every single month


and it's fun to sum up yes about our


cons yes it takes time to build up yes


it's difficult but guess what nobody


said it was going to be easy and with


everything you do in life that is a


difficulty that comes with it setting up


a business yes you'll make more money


and one day be able to step aside from


the business and retire early but you


are going to have to put in hundreds of


hours in the first few years and


essentially you will use your freedom


because of all of the stresses that


you're taking on as one individual


person but I nine survive you have more


of a work-life balance but your income


will be capped for the rest of your life


there is a bad side to everything in


life you just need to pick the bad side


that's worth it for you chapter number


three your new habits and your new


mindset step number one is to rewire


your brain and get rid of all of the


false information and narratives you've


been sold your entire life for example I


know people whose parents have passed on


to them their scarcity mindset because


of the way they struggled financially in


their life but their child is in a


better position because they did better


at school they have certain talents that


their parents didn't have they have so


much more opportunity in their life and


they're not taking it because they're


adopting the mindset their parents want


once had even though their circumstances


are different the best thing you can do


for yourself is to stop listening to


your parents way of doing things because


when they were your age that was a very


long time ago and things have changed


okay we now live in the age of the


internet where anything is possible


don't start limiting yourself before


you've even begun because of the


pressures that other people are putting


on to you and instead start building


your abundance mindset and believe you


are going to be a millionaire one day


you are going to be financially abundant


at a young age this links into step


number two start exposing yourself to


all of the possibilities out there this


is the easiest way to start building up


your abundance mindset and rewiring your


subconscious mind the this links into


the podcast you listen to the books you


read the videos you watch the people you


listen to from the age of 16 I would


regularly watch motivational speeches


from extremely wealthy and successful


people on YouTube and when I was 17 I


read my first financial literacy book


which was Rich Dad Poor Dad I highly


recommend this and instantly that got me


out of the mindset that I had been


taught for the last 17 years of my life


in school which was that I had to work a


nine to five because I had been exposing


myself to books like that and listening


to people who had made it I was


normalizing success to myself normalize


visualizing your dream life book a


viewing for your dream apartment even if


you're not gonna buy it Go window


shopping in designer store outlets go to


networking events with people who have


already made it put yourself in those


rooms that is the epitome of the rich


girl lifestyle and mindset step number


three outcome over cost this is why we


bring in poor girl mindset versus rich


girl mindset again poor girl mindset


always looks at the price of things and


thinks oh that pillowcase is 50 pounds


or that course is 100 pounds not worth


it I'm not spending my money on that


rich girl mindset looks at that cost and


thinks a good night's sleep more


knowledge to be able to build up more


skills to offer more services to my


clients so I can have a better passive


income business worth it it's like I


said before you have to spend money to


make money and some costs are just worth


it based on the outcome they give you


when I was 19 years old and I was a


broke uni student I spent 70 pounds on


an ebook about social media marketing


and oh my God it hurt to spend that


money on that I would not buy myself


clothes at this point I was not buying


myself new makeup I had very very little


money and I was stressed financially all


the time I reread that book every single


week for the next three years and I


learned how to build a community online


how to be a successful content creator


over and over and over again and I made


it step number four credit cards make


you richer this is a poor girl mindset


misconception a lot of people look at


credit cards and don't touch them


because they assume that you know it's


really bad debt and people get into


trouble with them and you know I don't


need a loan it's not about needing a


loan it's about being Smarter with your


money the literal can you qualify for a


credit card you need to have one for the


sole purpose of building up your credit


score and that is going to help when you


are renting out your first apartment


buying your first home setting up your


real estate business for example all it


takes is setting a reminder in your


phone at the same day every single month


so you are paying off your debts right


so you are going to pull every single


one of your daily expenses on your


credit card your grocery bill your


transport any food that you buy when you


are with your friends your cinema


tickets whatever and you're going to


keep paying everything on this credit


card and then simply transfer your debit


card money over to your credit card to


pay that all off and as you do this over


the month your credit score will start


building once you have a good credit


score paired with good money that you're


making you will then be able to qualify


for an American Express card I currently


have the gold one and basically once


again this is about being Smarter with


your money I pay for everything on my


AmEx before I pay it off every single


month with the money I actually have and


what this does is all of the money that


you're spending on your Amex then


converts into points and they give you


money towards your grocery bill towards


things like Asos buying makeup buying


clothes essentially you get free money


so you are saving in other areas of your


life just by using this card step number


five close the knowledge gap for example


to make it really easy for you let's say


you love your nine to five you love the


field that you're in and you want to


stay there there's nothing wrong with


that right so now what you're going to


do is you're going to close the


knowledge Gap by consistently


self-educating on the side of doing your


job educating to be the best in your


field let's say you're a marketing


assistant you want to be moving up the


corporate ladder to get to marketing


manager and move to Big corporations


like Coca-Cola or Disney for example you


want to work at these big companies so


you constantly need to be doing courses


and things on the side to add to your


resume so that you can interview at


these bigger companies and keep


increasing your salary after that if you


don't want to do a business or passive


income stream that's fine make sure that


your salary keeps increasing at your


nine to five and then invest big


portions of that every single month AKA


invest in your self-education learning


should never stop whether you want to


stay in your nine to five whether you're


looking at building up businesses but


before you do that learning comes first


when you become the best at what you do


in your field the money starts coming in


naturally step number six stop buying to


show off and start buying to tax


write-off if you're a business owner and


you want to start setting up these


passive income streams you're going to


set up yourself a limited company and


then you're gonna have to start doing


your taxes yourself basically or really


you should be getting an accountant to


sort this for you as a business owner


before I buy anything I see everything


is more expensive than it actually is


because I think once I buy this I'm also


going to have to pay tax on it at the


end of the year whereas if I start


investing in building a team and hiring


an assistant hiring a video editor then


I'm being Smarter with my money and I'm


growing my business while also saving


money step number seven avoid the


unhappy and The Unlucky that is a law


from the book The 49 Laws of Power if


I'm remembering correctly and basically


the author Robert Greene talks about


avoiding avoiding these infectious types


of people over the last few years of my


life I've become so picky with who I


surround myself with I don't talk or


well I'm not friends with anybody who


has a scarcity mindset constantly talks


about how unlucky they are it might


sound extreme it might sound rude or


picky I'm okay with that every single


person in my life even though I have a


small circle is so ambitious and so


positive that just being around them


even if we're not having that particular


conversation that energy spreads on to


me just as it would if someone was


constantly unhappy and unlucky they are


like this infectious type that will


bring you down with them step number


eight stop saying I can't afford this


and start saying how can I afford this


this is once again another example of


moving towards an abundance mindset stop


thinking that there isn't enough money


to go around and your language and your


thoughts are everything it literally


creates your reality so if you want


something stop thinking that you can't


have it and start visualizing a future


where you do get it and start


formulating the plan of how can I now


increase my monthly income to start be


able to affording these luxuries step


number nine always live below your means


I have always balanced my abundance


mindset with acting like I don't have


enough money to spend on myself so when


I was in University all of my friends


and I we had the same student loan they


were using it to buy airpods the new


iPhone nice clothes I think I bought


myself airpods six years after they even


came out because I just didn't see them


as a worthy enough purchase and I was


constantly putting money away putting


money away and because I did that I was


able to afford the electrical equipment


the camera and everything I needed to


set up the business I wanted to do which


was YouTube and content creation by


saving up that money to then put towards


these things I invested my money in a


smart way where now because I did that


and I was able to start my passive


income business faster now my business


is generating the income and I've made


up all of that money back if not more


but of course I'm all about faking it to


make it and embodying that rich girl


mindset energy and depending on your


circumstance if you're like me when I


was in uni and I truly did not have much


at all to spend you need to start


emulating luxury once again to normalize


it to yourself you know so some of us to


amulet luxury we can get our nails done


every single month if you're not in that


situation and have a spa day at home


start giving yourself a money pedi book


a massage for yourself maybe two or


three times a year to normalize that


luxury and treatment for yourself to


know that that's the direction you're


headed in and step number 10 in your new


habits and mindset is start using the


right language stop speaking scarcely


and describing yourself with weak words


all words create your reality and now


you need to change what you're saying to


yourself on a daily basis and of course


this goes hand in hand with daily


affirmations which I'm going to be


sharing with you guys right at the end


of this video and lastly chapter number


four the homework chapter with


affirmations right at the end home at


task number one sign up for a credit


card right now once you get it you're


gonna put a monthly reminder in your


phone calendar to make sure you're


paying off every single month when you


don't pay off or you're late that's when


you have to start paying interest and


you get in trouble with the bank


homemade task number two start looking


up networking events in your area and go


to one ASAP this is so you can start


surrounding yourself with people that


are what you want to be people with


similar ambition and mindset so you can


start adopting that energy and


normalizing that lifestyle an experience


to yourself home at task number three


choose a passive income stream it can be


one of the streams I mentioned in this


video or you can go and do some


researching on Google YouTube even Tick


Tock as a search engine look at what


everyone is saying there are literal


content creators that specialize in


telling you guys good passive income


streams choose one start one ASAP number


four download the app Snoop if you don't


have it already this is something I use


on a daily basis and this really helps


me with responsible spending number five


start some form of self-education this


week it could be in the form of reading


a book I'll give you guys


recommendations in a minute starting a


podcast where people are talking about


how to invest step number six start


budgeting your monthly income have a


certain portion that's going to go into


your pension a certain portion that's


going to go to stocks and a certain


portion that's going to go into an Isa


if you don't have one already start


googling that and open the account ASAP


step number seven Buy and read the


following books Rich Dad Poor Dad by


Robert Kiyosaki but the entire


collection I believe there are three or


four books so you're gonna read the


original and then he has a few books


after that really go into detail on how


to invest another great book is called


Think and Grow Rich this is by Napoleon


Hill the third book is called the four


hour work week I can't remember the


author but once again I read this when I


was 17. it changed my life and my


complete mindset around business and how


I wanted my career to go and lastly


girls that invest by simran Court I


literally just ordered that book on


Amazon two days ago I can't wait to


start reading it but the reviews are


phenomenal so we can read it together at


the same time and your last homework


task is get an accountant ever since I


did this my finances have transformed


I've had Financial advice that I didn't


even consider before it's such a smart


move so especially if you're a business


owner please get on that ASAP and lastly


our financial affirmations I am


financially abundant money flows into my


life easily I am aligned with the energy


of wealth and abundance the more money I


spend the more money I have and receive


I am worthy of increasing my income I


release any negative Financial energy


everything I touch turns to Gold I am so


grateful for the ability to manifest


them money whenever I want it money


chooses me always and finally I have the


power to be a financially successful


person and that brings us to the end of


this video I hope you guys enjoyed it


just a quick note I am not a financial


advisor by any means I'm just showing


some of the financial lessons that I've


learned over the last few years so I'll


definitely make more of these types of


videos in the future as my knowledge


increases on the subject because I am


not a pro yet so make sure you take


everything I say with a pinch of salt


and kind of apply it to what fits your


circumstances if you like this video


comment down below and let me know what


you thought and remember I have a brand


new Vlog Channel and I upload on that


every single week that is linked in the


description so you can see how I live my


life on a weekly basis and don't forget


you can listen to all of the YouTube


videos on this channel in podcast format


also linked Below in the description


thank you so much for watching I


appreciate you and I'll see you next

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