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mercredi 22 mai 2024

How Saving a lot of money in a short time? steps? personal finance and self-development.

 Saving a lot of money in a short amount

of time is not easy on one hand we're

fighting The increased cost of

accommodation food clothing and on the

other we're battling everyday Temptation

in a world where pretty much anything

can be bought with a single click in

fact the data shows that 61% of adults

in the US are living paycheck to

paycheck and 34% of adults living in the

UK have less than £1,000 in a savings

account so in this article. I wanted to

walk you through four effective

strategies that will simply ify and fast

trck your saving process if you're new

here I'm Nisha I'm a qualified

accountant and on this channel we

discuss all things personal finance and

self-development new articles come out

every single week let's get into it the

very first thing I want to talk about is

Parkinson's law and this is a concept

that was coined in the 1950s and in

simple terms it means that your work

will expand to fill the time that you

allocate to doing it for instance if I

set myself 3 weeks to plan and release

this articles. it will take me 3 weeks I'll

procr resonate I'll come across

something new and go down a rabbit hole

reading different articles on that topic

I'll find a way to make that work expand

to take up the full 3 weeks whereas if I

give myself 48 hours to release this

article. I'll find creative ways to get it

done and very likely the quality between

the two articles wouldn't be too different

this same principle can be applied to

personal finance where the resource

instead of time is money your spending

will expand to consume all available

funds if you let yourself spend all of

your net income you'll find a way to do

it but if you take away 10% as soon as

it hits your bank account on payday and

put it into another savings account that

you can't touch you'll find a way to

make that remaining 90% work and if you

think putting 10% away is doable try 20%

and living on the remaining 80% try 30%

and living on the remaining 70% you'll

be surprised by what you can do and you

might be listening to this thinking

that's ridiculous no way can I make this

work that's where the fourth saving

strategy I talk about comes in where I

go into more detail on how you can make

this work with what you have the second

saving strategy is to not be a last

minute person when I worked in my

corporate job during the busy weeks and

months I would get a takeout about three

to four times a week I'll be on my way

home it'll be late I'll be hungry and on

my way home I'll just order something

from deliver or Uber Eats so that it's

ready for when I got home and I did this

week after week because I didn't take a

few hours out on a Sunday to meal prep

and think about a healthier solution for

the week instead I'm still guilty of

sometimes doing this but planning in

advance can save you a lot of money it

will save you in overdrive fees because

you're setting up some time to check

your bank account it will save you in

Uber costs or taxi costs because you've

saved yourself enough time to get public

transport instead and planning in

advance also gives you options to do

better you can use your reward points to

book your next flight you can get a good

quality umbrella instead of waiting

until you're caught in the rain to buy

whatever is available there are times

when last minute flexibility is useful

but often it costs you money and limits

you with options the third saving Str

strategy is to utilize saving technology

with almost every habit that we want to

stick to or want to try there is some

sort of technology that will help make

it easier for us if you're trying to

reduce your social media consumption

there are apps like one sec that forces

you to take a deep breath before opening

the app giving you a second or two to

rethink your decision if you want to

improve your Fitness there are apps that

will help you do that and in the same

way if your focus is to save more money

you want to lean into the technology

that's available to help you out with

that there are apps that calculate how

much you can afford to save each week

and then automatically moves money into

a separate savings account or an

investment account there are accounts

like Plum if you're in the UK which

analyzes your spending to work out how

much you can afford to save and then it

automatically transfers the money over

every four or five days you can also

through that round up purchases to the

nearest pound and then save the

difference so for instance if you're

spending 130 it will round that up to2

and then you can automatically save the

remaining 70p if you want to check out

Plum . you want to find the right

apps or the right technology that will

help you align your habits to your goals

and make the process of saving a lot

easier the fourth point which is

arguably the one that will really make a

difference if you stick to it is doing a

year in review at the end of each year

we usually do a full evaluation on other

areas in our lives we look at what went

well what didn't how we can learn and

improve for the following year a great

way to save a lot of money in a short

amount of time is by doing the same

evaluation in detail top to bottom with

your finances this is different to a

monthly budget which I have a whole

different article for and a free tracker

that comes with it I'll leave a link to

that here but think of this monthly

budget as you rowing the boat you're

moving forward month by month whereas a

yearly review is you stepping back to

check the broader Horizon checking that

you're not just moving forward but

you're also moving in the right

direction so once a year I'll

consolidate all of the bank accounts

that I have my debit card accounts my

credit card accounts into one one main

tracker that money will have all the

money coming out of my account I'll

categorize my spending and then go

through each category line by line

asking myself three questions can I cut

this out or cancel it completely can I

live with less of it or can I get the

same thing cheaper from somewhere else

I'm not going to you this isn't

fun it's not interesting but you only

need to go through this once a year but

the ROI from this exercise and just

carving out 6 to seven hours to do it is

so worth it I gave myself 7 hours to do

it last month on a flight back to the UK

I've recorded my entire process I don't

know if it'll be useful or just a boring

article but if you want to see it let me

know and I'll show you how I went about

analyzing the numbers and the data one

thing that has really helped me analyze

data as well as develop a bunch of other

skills is who are very

kindly sponsoring this article is an amazing online

platform with thousands of interactive

bite-sized lessons where you can Master

complicated topics such as artificial

intelligence programming data analysis

all these topics and skills that are

foundational in any field and you can

gradually learn them in as little as 15

minutes a day I highly recommend their

data analysis fundamentals course we

don't realize how much we use data

analysis in so many things from

understanding how to improve our

business through to looking at our

personal finance checking our content

analytics to improve our content and the

way it performs even if you're not after

data analysis and you're someone who

just wants to keep your mind active and

improve your critical thinking skills

there will be a course in here for you I

highly recommend checking brilliant out

they add new lessons every month to keep

things fresh you can join 10 million

other people using the free tral Link in

the description below and if you do

enjoy it and want to continue you can

also get 20% off of your subscription as

well using the same link

SL Nisha thank you so much for reading

if you find this content useful please

share it with someone else who'll

benefit someone who is looking to get

good with money and I also have a article

right here on how I manage my money on a

monthly basis where there's also a R

tracker see you there

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