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lundi 20 mai 2024

Reel story JANE .How to Make $5K Daily with Bot and ChatGPT! 110% daily profit on Arbitrage Uniswap?

I'm a proficient webs 3 developer I have

recently created a bond that brings me

passive income and here I'm to explain

how my invention works it was an

exciting but also challenging experience.

I have taken all the knowledge I got

wrapped it up and made a article

instruction for you if you're are

interested in passive income definitely

be sure to check that one out first the

the smart contracts I created didn't

bring me the desired results I failed I

wasted money and almost give up but

things change radically when I turned to

artificial intelligence for help this is

chat GPT technology that contributes to

fast and qualitative crypto passive

income no matter your experience level

in smart contracts or programming is

this article is for you for everybody now

before we start let me remind you that

crypto area is rich in scammers so take

precaution to safeguard yourself and

your funds avoid sending money to

unfamiliar wallets or interacting with

unknown exchanges so now let me explain

the basis of the BT it uses concepts of

Arbitrage mles and sandwich transactions

the major surface of it is built on the

popular decentralized platforms like

unisab and other DXs briefly the bot

operates on the principle of sandit

transactions it analyzes the mle

essentially waiting room for

transactions that have been initiated

but not yet processed so this allows us

to execute transactions by specifying a

gas price higher than the initiated one

resulting in a profitable price sleep in


transactions if this concept seems too

complicated be aware I'm here to clarify

it and make understandable for you I pr

is a really good bot I've been using it

for a few weeks now and I suppose I also

have to mention that no coding

experience is required ideally if you

have some but it's not obligatory CH has

made that aspect hassle-free so we'll

Begin by ensuring that you have the

metamax extension installed you can use

any wallet on your own the significant

thing is that it is installed in your

browser it may be coinbase wallet trust

wallet Etc all steps are exactly the

same but with different wallet interface

for creating solidity language

based smart

contracts so we are creating a new file

and feel free to name it according to

your preference for instance let's call

it bot base the open source bot code

code from the video description and

remember to verify code yourself go

ahead with scrolling up to read a quick

user guide now it's important to knowe

that for the bot to function optimally

it requires a minimum deposit of 0.5 of

theem or more the larger the bot deposit

is the more transactions it can process

resulting in increased profits confirm

that your wallet contains more than 0.5

o theum and is connected to the etherum

main net chain then move the solidity

compiler tab to compile the bot enable

optimization to reduce gas usage enable

autoc compile and then click on compile

bot Doo proceed to the deploy and run

transaction section and within the

environment tab opt for injected

provider metamask or your wallet confirm

the wallet connection upon successful

link and proceed to click on deploy now

I highly recommend manually setting the

gas to a aggressive as the price

difference is negligible but it actually

speeds up the transaction

considerably all right so now we wait

the deployment of our bot check the

terminal for deployed

message and here we have the message

click on it and then copy the

transaction hash next we'll verify on

other scan to confirm that your Bot have

been successfully deployed with the

transaction status displayed as

successful it indicates that the bot is

deployed now click on the created bot

contract within this window and you can

access comprehensive information about

your Bot including the tradeing balance

all right so now I'm going to return to

remix and you can explore the main menu

of the bot allow me to provide a brief

overview of the functions of each button

set trade balance ethereum s the B trade

deposit in etherum coins set trade

balance percent sets the B trade deposit

as a percentage of the deposit on your

wallet start native starts the bot stop

stops the work of the bot withdraw

withdraw profit from your Bot contracts

to your wallet Keem that's your personal

API key for working with the bot don't

share it with anyone okay so now I'm

going to select the key button and copy

the provided key I'm going to scroll up

paste it into the value Tab and then I'm

just going to specify the deposit size

for the bot for example I'll set it to

one oorm finally I'll click Start native

so observing this situation the bot

thoroughly analyzes our entire wallet so

ensure that you are connected to the

auor main net and confirm let's wait for

my transaction

confirmation yes it confirmed and then

you're going to other scan and let's

check my smart contract balance refresh

the page it's evident that the bot has

received precisely one auum for

trading while the remaining amount is

retained in my wallet now let's

patiently await the outcomes after 12

and 24 hours to assess the generated

profit I'll stop the screen record and

come back after 12 hours all right so

after 12 hours let's review the results

refreshing the page I've earned 0.48 of

theum passively and that's equivalent to


$1,700 at the current exchange rate

that's quite an impressive outcome I

would say I'm going to pause screen

record again and come back after more 12

hours so now we wait another 12 hours

and upon reaching the 24 hours Mark

let's assess the boss performance

refresh the page and you'll notice that

I've earned nearly

1.23m in this period so that's


$4500 in the current exchange rate

this result is highly satisfactory

especially considering the earnings are

entirely passive so returning to remix

let's proceed to withdraw the funds back

to the wallet Begin by pressing stop

adjust the gas to aggressive like with

it and confirm that transaction now wait

until it's displayed in the

terminal and subsequently press the

widraw button change the gas to

aggressive again done and confirm the

transaction then wait for it to appear

in the terminal

waiting and as you can see I

successfully withdrew phon from the

smart contract bought back to my wallet

let's check my wallet nice money is at

my wallet and now let's verify my smart

contract balance currently the bot has

zero auum balance so don't forget to

refresh the page for updated information

at 10 mention now my bot is absolutely

free to show how perfect it is and how

much money you can make however after 1

month I'm going to close free version of

my bot API key will not be actual so

your Bot will not be able to deploy the

contract the preliminary cost will be

$2500 a week until this time everyone is

welcome to try it and get profit all

right next information is important if

you have some errors after contract

deploy let me show you how to fix it so

the most popular problem is when remix

can't calculate the transaction fee this

is due to the fact that after the deploy

you wait more than 10 minutes andix just

loses connection with the boat code so

to fix this we need to reconnect to the

contract or create a new one we should

follow all steps faster or reconnect to

the contract first update the page click

on the bot file in my case bot. conso

and go to the solidity compiler tab then

enable optimization and click compile

after that go to the deploy and drawn

transaction section now go to the

address of your smart contract at the

other scan tab select injected provider

metamask and paste the address of your

contract into the at address tab finally

click on it and you have access to the

bot control menu again then continue the

steps according to the instructions this

method will definitely fix most of your

problems if it didn't work for you and

you have gas fee related errors try to

do everything faster or contact me via

telegram all the links are in the

description you are highly encouraged to


questions all right thanks for joining

hopefully this video provided valuable

insights and you gained new knowledge

consider subscribing for more

informative content in the Realms of

decentralized finance and web 3 thank

you for watching and goodbye

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