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mercredi 22 mai 2024

Reel story 20 recommendations From Rich Dad Poor Dad That Changed My Life

 So these are 20 recommendations from rich dad poor dad that changed my life and hopefully

they can change yours too.

All right so the first one is one of the

main problems with school  is that we

are taught that making mistakes are a

bad thing and we are punished for them

yet humans learn from making mistakes we

learn to walk by falling down and like

Robert says we either succeed or we

learn failure is one of the most

motivating and powerful tools that we

have most people don't talk about money

with their friends or their family but

it is one of the more important things

to talk about he talks about how poor

people will never discuss finances or

their money and they'll say they're not

interested in it but the rich will

discuss it around the dinner table it'll

be a topic of conversation because it is

one of the more important things in our

lives it's what we trade our lives for

play it safe is actually

terrible advice it keeps us stuck in

savings mode when we should be moving

over to investment mode it keeps us

stuck at a job we hate for 10 years

longer than we need to it makes us only

focus on our benefits and getting a

raise and having a secure job instead of

looking for actual freedom and actual

happiness and building real wealth well

most people think it's important to go

to school get your degree get a good

high paying job with a big company

that is not how you become wealthy

instead we should be studying money

trying to figure out how to make money

work for us especially when we're

younger working for experience instead

of money i've tried a bunch of different

jobs now in different forms

of business and sales and online

marketing stuff just like a ton of

different things and each one allowed me

to learn something that i was able to

use later on you don't know what you're

going to use it for but when you start

to work for experience and knowledge

instead of money that's when everything

starts to change just stop doing what

you're doing the definition of insanity

is doing the same thing over and over

and expecting different results so if

you're not seeing results instead of

just working harder which is the default

thing that most people do when they have

money problems take a step back and ask

should you be running so hard in the

direction that you're running or do you

need to start changing things up and

generally you need to you need to switch

things up because most of us are

kind of dumb and waste a lot of time and

money if you're if you're anything like

me i don't know use your desire and

greed to actually motivate you to make

more money as a aspiring minimalist i

don't really want a ton of stuff but

there are occasionally things that

everybody wants for me it's a tesla and

instead of going out and buying a tesla

i'm using that to motivate me to grow

this channel and once i hit half a

million subscribers then i will be

allowed to get a tesla so if you want to

help me get a tesla then feel free to

subscribe but whatever it is for you use

it as a carrot to dangle in front of

yourself so that you can be motivated to

make more money instead of just shutting

it off and saying i can't afford it

which was actually another thing that i

learned instead of saying i can't afford

it which allows you to shut it off and

say you know what i can't afford that

i'll never have it it's not a big deal

whatever i'm a poor person

i'm not going to have stuff like that

instead asking how can i afford it that

is what turns on your mind to saying if

i can generate a thousand dollars a

month in passive income from buying

assets then i'll be able to afford this

car this thing instead of thinking i

can't afford to travel ask yourself how

can i afford to travel what do i need to

change in my life so that i'll be able

to do this thing that i'll be able to


what i want or have this type of

lifestyle what do i need to change to

make this happen give yourself

a reputation ever since i learned it

i've been doing this

especially with my health but also with

money i am a fit person i am a healthy

person and a healthy person doesn't eat

fast food a healthy person who is in

shape goes to the gym at least twice a

week and you can apply this to so many

different things if you see yourself as

a wealthy person before you spend money

you're gonna ask would a wealthy person

buy this would a wealthy person make

this decision and honestly it makes

things a lot easier give yourself the

reputation of the person you want to be

invest in learning about investing

before you actually start

investing all right that that probably

didn't make any sense to you but what

most people do is when they have extra

money they just start investing and they

end up losing money and then thinking

that investing is super risky and you

can't do it you need to be an expert but

they're doing things out of order before

you start investing learn how to invest

learn about money learn about

stocks or real estate or building a

company however you're thinking of

investing before just blindly throwing

your money around and pretty much

gambling we have choices every moment we

can watch tv we can play video games we

can paint stuff we can we can judge

people's paintings we can play

pickleball or we can learn about money

and you can do any one of those things

that you want to do but we have to

realize that each choice that we make

every day what we decide to do what we

decide to study that is what is going to

start showing up in our lives so if you

want to have more money if you want to

be wealthy if you want to be financially

independent then you have to spend time

studying money learning about it

consuming youtube videos about it after

all you are what you eat

pay yourself first because that's gonna

motivate you a lot of people save what

they have left over at the end of the

month and honestly there's not a lot of

motivation to

have anything left over at the end of

the month so most people never save

anything but if you prioritize yourself

and investing and your future then you

need to pay yourself first you need to

automatically put things into savings

automatically start investing and doing

that before and then if you don't have

enough money to pay your bills at the

end of the month then you're forced to

be creative and figure out ways to start

earning more money do you have to work a

side job do you have to start investing

differently what do you need to do to

make more money obviously you don't want

to be irresponsible with this but you

also need to put pressure on yourself to

improve your life where nothing's ever

going to change busy people are often

the laziest now what he means by this is

instead of trying to build wealth and

actually taking a step back and doing

some hard things stepping out of your

comfort zone a lot of people when they

have a problem they just work harder and

there's nothing wrong with hard work

it's super important but it's not always

the answer stop focusing on toilets a

lot of people will use fear or noise of

some sort to stop them from

taking action to stop them from

investing they'll have a friend or a

family member who got burned 40 years

ago and that's why they never take a

step forward a lot of people i know

won't invest in real estate because they

say they don't want to fix toilets and

they're focusing on that instead of the

financial freedom that you can gain from

buying real estate so i've heard that

myself and honestly i don't want to fix

toilets on my rentals either that's why

i just hire other people to fix problems

because i'm making money on it so it's a

business expense but instead of people

focusing on financial freedom and

changing their lives they're focusing on


be generous most people say that once

they have more money they'll give or

anything they have left at the end of

the month then they'll give they focus

on receiving first and then giving but

as we all know it's better to give than

to receive and he talks about this

mentality of if you need help then help

somebody else if you need knowledge then

try to teach people if you need money

give money away obviously not

irresponsibly but have a nature of

being blessed and having abundance and

being able to help other people and

focusing on that instead of always

focusing on yourself in what you don't


we need to focus on assets instead of

liabilities most people don't know what

an asset versus a liability is it's not

something they focus on but it's one of

the more important things if you want to

be wealthy an asset something put is

something that puts money into your

pocket every single month and a

liability is something that takes money

from your pocket every single month most

people consider their house their

biggest asset but until they actually go

and sell that house it is a liability

because it is taking money out of their

pocket every month as opposed to like a

cash flowing rental property which is

actually putting money in your pocket

every month people who say they're not

interested in money are often

fine a lot of people think they're too

busy their spouse handles that it's not

something they really care about they're

not interested in it yet they'll go to

work eight hours a day for almost every

day of the best years of their life so

that they can earn money it is important

it's not a bad subject to talk about

it's not a bad thing to think about or

learn about or focus on it's what you

trade your life for it's what you miss

your kids soccer games for it's an

important subject most people will never

win because they're afraid of losing the

fear of losing money is greater than the

joy and happiness of actually being

successful so they'll never invest

they'll never leave their job they'll

never take any risks they'd rather play

it safe and guarantee that they're going

to continue living paycheck to paycheck

staying exactly where they are then step

out and take risks and try new things if

you want to have financial freedom you

need to overcome fear surround yourself

with people who are smarter than you i

don't need to be an expert on everything

but i need to know experts on everything

so when i have a question i can hire

somebody who is dedicated and and

focused on that thing so that i can

focus on what i am good at that's part

of the reason i hired an editor so that

i could focus on things that are

important to me and filming content and

being better at it and let somebody else

who's a lot better than me focus on the

editing part more money will actually

not solve your problems most people

given more money will just spend more

money i know people who make 50 grand

and 150 grand and they're both living

paycheck to paycheck but instead you

need to focus on what you're doing with

the money that you do have are you

saving it are you wasting it are you

investing it

or are you just hanging on to it because

of what i actually did with my money i

was able to leave my day job and

actually build up some wealth without

ever even making more than the median

salary invest in your brain in the book

he talks multiple times about how he

spent 500 on a course and that course

made him up to a million dollars and i

know for myself that i've spent

thousands and thousands of dollars on

books courses audio books even traveling

places to go to seminars and that has

made me tens of thousands of dollars you

never know what one idea can completely

change your life so always focus on your

most important asset the stuff between

your ears start minding your own

business well a lot of people will never

move past working for a paycheck and

they'll only focus on their income to

gain financial freedom you have to move

past always trading your time for money

and you need to start focusing on buying

real estate or buying stocks or starting

a business or doing something that will

continue to pay you while you're

sleeping and can eventually pass how

much you're making at your job so you

can move away from that and actually

have freedom in your life

a lot of people will dream about being

wealthy they'll dream about being

healthy and fit

and all these different things but very

few actually take action and do

something so one quote that i want to

end with is action always beats inaction

just get out there and do something.

Thank you for reading my article.

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