In this article. I'm going to share with
you six of my all-time favorite personal
finance books that have had the biggest
impact to my life over the last few
years and have completely changed my
mindset when it comes to money and time.
I'll share a key takeaway from each of
these so you have a little preview of
what you're getting yourself into number
I will teach you the whole premise of
this book is that it's not about the
money you make it's about the money you
keep and what you do with that money
that will really make a difference you
could be earning 70 80 grand a year but
if you don't know how to manage your
money you will just be living paycheck
to paycheck one of the things I find
most frustrating when I hear people from
Finance backgrounds speak to people from
non-finance backgrounds is their
inability to use simple words when
explaining something Sethi gets this
bang on he uses the terms that are very
understandable to the everyday Layman
from all walks of life the device is
pretty unconventional he says buy all
the lattes you want use credit cards to
your advantage and don't think about the
pennies but Focus instead on the big
ticket items the chapters have very
clear actions on things you could do
like where you can open up your bank
accounts how to get out of debt as well
as things like how to bucket your money
between fixed costs between savings
between investing and guilt-free
spending if you're looking for a very
practical and actionable book he's your
man next up we have the four hour work
week this book has been very pivotal to
my life if you have an interest in
entrepreneurship or in business in the
slightest sense you really have to read
this book ever since I've got this book
I've kind of formed a very clear picture
on exactly what I'm aiming for and also
how I'm going to get there and it's the
kind of book I do wish I read like 10
years ago I would have done many things
differently this book has inspired me to
think out the box and question
everything I know about productivity
about time and about money most of us
follow the same routine where we go to
school we graduate we get a great job we
work super hard and make loads of money
and then eventually retire but this book
questions that whole system why should
we be working until we're 65 70 when we
can't even enjoy that money will have
the ability to enjoy that money as much
but instead take those 20 30 years after
retirement and spread them throughout
our life instead he calls us mini
retirements he also alludes to this
concept of the new Rich which is when
you have total control of when you work
and where you work from and he explains
how the new Rich generally have Auto
automated streams of passive income that
allow them to work as much as they want
or as little as they want from anywhere
they want to work from and in this book
he includes a lot of practical steps for
creating passive income streams that
allow you to live the new Rich lifestyle
he also gives tips to office employees
on how they can live the new Rich
lifestyle while still keeping their
corporate job I received a few comments
on the back of another ARTICLE that I made
as to how I balance the side hustles
whilst working a full-time job in
banking and a big reason why is down to
the learnings of this book it has so
many tips and tricks on being efficient
things like Outsourcing to remote
workers automated things batching
different tasks so you could churn out
things churn out more stuff and the
reason why I've been able to play around
with so many ideas without burning out
is because I've taken on so many of the
ideas that Tim Ferriss talks about in
this book next up we have Rich Dad Poor
Dad I know you've probably heard of this
one time and time again but it is the
number one top selling personal finance
Book for a reason and I've put this one
in because it really was a Tipping Point
for me from having an employee mindset
and thinking about purely income to
having a business mindset and thinking
about generating and Building Wealth and
the storyline is that there are two dads
Robert has a rich dad and a Poor Dad and
they have very different mindsets in the
book Robert explores the mindset that
these two dads had when it came to money
the dad who had impeccable grades
qualifications on qualifications a
high-paying job but was living paycheck
to paycheck was a poor dad and the rich
dad who came from a completely different
background and had a completely
different mindset when it came to money
the way he spoke about it the way he
treated it the way he used it and the
way he made more money from it and in
this book you take on the Journey of
these two individuals and their mindset
when it comes to finances and wealth
building and by the end of the book it's
so clear as to what makes one of them
rich and the other one poor school
doesn't teach us the things that I read
in this book while you shouldn't just
stop at your day job the tax
implications of an entrepreneur versus
an employee financial literacy as a
whole and the most important takeaway
from this book is the way he describes
asset and liabilities the wealthy the
buy assets whereas the poor and the
middle class by liabilities liabilities
cost money to buy and they cost money to
maintain whereas on the other hand every
dollar you invest into an asset becomes
an employee that is working for you when
you're not working the goal is to get
your income as high above your expenses
as possible so that you can invest the
disposable income you can invest the
difference into assets which create more
income and then there's this beautiful
cycle of increasing cash flow increasing
assets increasing cash flow increasing
assets next up we have the cash flow
quadrant this is kind of like a sequel
to Rich Dad report ad but it's a bit
more sophisticated and in this book
Robert goes through the key steps that
him and his wife took to go from being
homeless to Building Wealth and retiring
young in this book Robert draws into the
four sections or the quadrants of
different ways we can earn money and he
categorizes that into four ways
employees self-employed business and
investors most of us are conditioned to
become employees or self-employed and
that's the way the system has been
created we don't have lessons on
business us or in finance not at school
at least I didn't and no one learns how
to become an entrepreneur or how to
invest their money but Robert says that
true wealth come from BB and the eye
segment because of the freedom it gives
you and it's all about building passive
income so since I've graduated I've
always had a foot in the e-contrant I'm
trying more and more to explore the
other quadrants and if I look at the
people around me and those that have
kind of made it in terms of freedom and
passive income are those in the B and
the I cash flow quadrants so this book
is about being intentional with which
quadrant you want to be in and just
because you're in one now it doesn't
mean that you can't make that shift and
also doesn't mean that you can't make
that shift overnight it just means using
your time and money wisely so you can
cross over to another quadrant if that's
what you want to do and this book gives
you all the skills and the mindset
shifts that you need to make to make
that switch next up we have Think and
Grow Rich there's a lot of controversy
around this book and that's a bit kind
of fluffy a bit Airy fairy and kind of
like the secret The Law of Attraction
but I personally am a huge believer in
what the mind can believe if the mind
can't achieve with the right actions of
course to back that and I feel like the
first step in getting anywhere is to
have this kind of outrageous level of
self-belief that you can do anything and
over the course of 20 years the author
Napoleon Hill interviewed a bunch of
people that had built huge fortunes from
scratch and he found common things
amongst all of them and he basically
outlines in this book the blueprint for
how anyone can become rich this book
makes you realize that it doesn't take
money to make money necessarily it does
take the right mindset and he says that
getting rich requires three key things
number one desire number two a plan and
number three an unwavering focus and
these three things will unleash the
opportunities you need to make money
people think that it's all the latest
things the latest gadgets the most
revolutionary ideas you have to do but
it really comes down to these three
Timeless principles that stand the test
of time it might be a bit fluffy for
some people but money and wealth really
is about the mindset and less in my
opinion about knowing the complicated
Financial things and the financial
actions that you need to do this book
rewire is your brain and makes you think
completely differently about finances in
a way that makes the whole making money
and managing your money is so
interesting next up we have lean in by
Cheryl Sandberg the books I've mentioned
so far are about managing your money
making money grow for you in a way where
you can secure Independence and secure
Financial abundance managing your money
is one part of it but to really Propel
and speed up that process you've got to
manage your money manage your expenses
but also increase your income increase
your revenue and for a lot of people
reading this. I imagine our day job is a
huge source of that income it's the
foundation that's why the next book I
want to recommend is Lena by Cheryl
Sandberg a lot of what we see and hear
about today is about owning a business
about being an entrepreneur or whatever
but the reality is a lot of us do work
in day jobs and so we need to know how
to make the most out of our situation
and make sure we are getting the pay we
deserve and the money we deserve for the
work that we're putting in this book
provides a lot of advice on how to climb
up that corporate ladder and encourages
women to take more risks be more
ambitious in the professional goals gain
confidence demand more and generally gun
for those leadership positions but this
book is both for women and for men the
men that want to support their Partners
in achieving their goals and
understanding what they have to do I
want to do more book reviews on
non-personal finance books as well
there's quite a few that have completely
changed the way I think and if you're
interested in that then let me know I'll
make more of those articles. I am also
going to record a q a next week if you
have any questions that you want to ask
pop them in the comments below or DM
them over on my Instagram and I'll get
them answered thank you so much for
reading don't forget to subscribe to the blog if
you haven't already otherwise I hope to
see you in my next article.
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