Here are 30 things I know in my 30s that I wish I knew in my 20s .
Starting with number one it's far more fun to be the person being discussed than the other way around you'd rather be busy living your own life than to get to your 30s 40s and 50s realizing that you've just been complaining criticizing or judging the way other people are living their life number two stop complaining.
if you have the ability to take action to do something to remove the thing that you're complaining about but you're choosing not to do it then you have no right to continue complaining number three you get what you pay for you can get a pair of shoes for $10 or you can get it for $200 but there is a reason for the difference from the products you buy to the work you delicate to others a higher price tag usually comes with better quality as the saying goes don't expect champagne with lemonade money number.
Four don't take things personally most people mean well and are good thinking otherwise makes you miss out on creating meaningful relationships number five a work in days not weeks instead of saying I can get this done by the end of next week say I can get this done by the end of today shortening the time frame will make you switch your mind into thinking about working harder to working smarter number six outwork your impostor syndrome imposter syndrome is how you see yourself not how others see you nor your actual abilities when you do things that are hard and you stretch your limits you'll gather proof of your abilities and the fear of not being good enough will eventually fall away number seven you playing small doesn't serve anyone not only only are you holding yourself back but you're also denying other people to benefit from your ideas and your contributions take risks take big swings number eight success is personal during your 20s and 30s all of your friends will be in completely different places some will be single living their best life others will be married others will be getting married or having kids others will be crushing it in their career it's super easy to always feel behind so stay in your own lane and avoid looking left and right number nine have regular check-ins is too easy to operate on autopilot only to check in years later and realize that you've actually reached the wrong destination whenever you can ask yourself do I actually want this why do I want this and would I still be happy if I was doing this in 5 years time number 10 getting into work early isn't going to get you promoted when issues come up you want people to think of you as a sole person who can solve that problem focusing on value is the bit that will make you indispensable not just your punctuality number 11 fail fast and fail forward sometimes it will take 100 NOS before you get to that one yes that you've been looking for but if you aren't okay to fail you're not going to be moving forward in the first place the goal is to outpace your competition by failing faster and learning from it number 12 don't expect other people to do your work as the say goes you are the sum of The Five People You spend the most time with if you want to change your circle the people you want to surround yourself with should also want to surround themselves with you there's a level of work that you have to put in yourself before expecting other people to help you number 13 it's never too late to try something new when I was in my late 20s I kept telling myself it's too late for me to leave my corporate job and start my own thing now I'm saying the same thing about something else the truth is there will be people younger than you that are doing the thing that you want to do and people far older than you doing it the time is going to pass anyway the only person missing out is you number 14 Define what you want most people don't actually know what they want they just want what they think they should want Define what it is that you actually want and then move on to number 15 which is do the thing that you need to do to get what you want it's easy to daydream about getting what you want but most people aren't willing to do what they need to do to actually get it it's easier more than ever to find resources that will get you from point A to point B.
I know many of you read my content because you're trying to achieve Financial Independence build skills scale businesses from Z there are plenty of books you can read podcasts you can listen to one resource I recommend is to check out this free guide Linked In the description that was written by hob spot on what it takes to be a solar preneur it covers how to get into the mindset of a solar preneur the most important skills you need as a solar preneur as well as the main people you need to hire or to have in your journey as a solopreneur and why and these are things that took me over a year to understand and learn the importance of it also includes a step-by-step part on how to set up systems which has been really helpful me as I'm trying to figure out what parts of my business I can automate and not be so involved in so that I can try and focus on other things that will help me scale once again this guide was created by HubSpot who are very kindly sponsoring today's article I recommend you check out the free resource which you can find in the link in the description .
Number 16 there is no such thing as overnight success no matter how effortless someone else's achievements might appear there seemingly overnight success is often the result of Decades of work don't underestimate the hard work that is requir to achieve extraordinary results number 17 don't take advice for someone who hasn't done what you're trying to do everyone loves having an opinion on what works and what doesn't but if they haven't done it themselves and they're telling you how to do it think twice about following what they have to say number 18 other people are rarely your competition if you want to go fast go alone but if you want to go further go together you're going to get further by learning from each other than by competing with each other number 19 mornings are important if you start off your day by jumping straight into working for others you'll leave no time energy or creativity for yourself an extra 30 minutes every morning is sometimes all it takes number 20 focus on one thing at a time the more you grow the more opportunities come at you the ability to focus on one thing at a time and make that thing really really good will get you further than doing multiple things half-heartedly all at once number 21 don't rush to find your Niche the last thing you want is to burn out out from pursuing a path that isn't right for you I made this mistake and spent many years doing something I didn't enjoy exploring time is not wasted time instead it can save you years of discontent number 22 no one is coming to save you if you don't have an emergency fund it's not the bank's responsibility to bail you out if you don't like your job it's no one's responsibility to hand you another one you're accountable for the decisions you choose not to make number 23 pick your battles think about the top three qualities you want in a friend if they have even one of these qualities don't spend any time or energy being upset about anything else that they lack everyone has their strengths and weaknesses appreciate them for who they are number 24 cut out anyone who tries to belittle you it starts off with small seemingly light-hearted Jabs but over time can morph into jealousy if a friend isn't pushing you forward it's most likely holding you back give everyone a chance but don't be afraid to cut ties quickly if it's not what you expected number 25 never keep a tally give but don't always expect to receive back the more you put out the more you'll get back it doesn't always mean though that it will come back in the same way number 26 find something to occupy your mind with if you're constantly overthinking stuck in the past or playing out hopeless scenarios in your head find something that's worth living in the moment for pick up a new book find a new hobby go for a walk or listen to a podcast as the saying goes an idle mind is a devil's workshop number 27 seven there's no need to stay late just because the appeal and fun of a party typically Peaks at a certain point and then it gradually decreases the longer you stay on lingering for those extra hours early hours into the morning stops you from waking up feeling refreshed and making the most of your next day number 28 don't expect other people to read your mind if you need something say it effective communication will solve nine out of 10 of your relationship problems number 29 make hitting rock bottom a good thing there's no better motivation than to get yourself out of a bad situation and sometimes you need to hit rock bottom to change direction just don't stay there for longer than you need to and number 30 learn to find joy in working out everything starts and ends with your health thank you for reading if you like this article you'll enjoy this one on 11 life and money habits to master before 39 .
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