I finally got serious about wanting tochange my life a few years ago so I didmy research I found the ultimate sideHustle by watching hundreds of hours of YouTube videos and picking the one that was right for me and after working just four hours a week for two months I'm now a multi-millionaire yeah right if you believe that I have a bridge to sell you too here's the truth watching videos or Reading articles aboutside hustles is just taking you down therabbit hole you'll find yourselfclicking on one video after another inhopes of finding a good way to makemoney but after hours of wandering about you'll end up lost overwhelmed and Confused.I'm here to tell you that for someonewho actually really wants to changetheir life for the better side hustlesare not the way to go side hustles are adistraction an attempt at a quick fix alittle bit of easy moneybut your time and energy is limited byfilling up any free time you have withextra work of some kind that just pays asmall amount you stay on a hamster wheel always running just trying to keep up.I propose that you do somethingdifferent instead of aiming low Aim High follow the four steps that we willdiscuss in this article to use your freetime to build a business that can changeyour life instead of pursuing a side gigthat will just be a small supplement toyour main job that keeps you on thehamster wheelafter earning an MBA at CornellUniversity I spent my career buildingventure capital and private Equitybacked companies I've served as theChief Financial Officer of severalsoftware businesses where I workedclosely with sales marketing andoperations to grow the company.I tell you this so you know that whatI'm sharing today comes from experienceso here's the secret to starting asuccessful business actually it's notreally a secret at all but it getsdrowned out amidst all the noise anddistractions on YouTube from countlesshow to make money articles.the truth is finding success in businesscomes down to this one simple formulawrite it down and always keep it in mindyou need to one identify a problemtwo solve the problem three get paidfor refine and repeat.let's walk through this in a little moredetail with some great examples of howregular people build thriving businessesby following this formula.The formula starts with number one being identify a problem but actually there's a vital step before number one and that is to tell yourself get started already.Stop talking about wanting to start abusiness .stop endlessly watching videos or articles scrolling for ideas stop coming up with reasons why you can't start yet why now is not a good time why I'll start just as soon as something whatever I'mwaiting for to get out of the wayjust get started.
Procrastination is a success killerprocrastination is negative momentum and what you need is positive momentum onceyou start moving it's so much easier tokeep moving so start moving get started good.Now that you're moving here's whatyou're going to do first identify aproblem the world is full of problemsyou come across problems in your dailylife the key is to note them write themdown literally sit down and make a listdon't just wait for inspiration to serveup the perfect business idea in a dreambecause that may never happenthink of the problems you've come across in your life think of things in your hobbies or your work that were hard to do or hard to figure out then think about what a solution to those problemsmight be ?If you can solve these problems you have a potential business.every business involves someone getting paid to solve a problem for example entertainment businesses can be thought of as solving any number of problems or needs such as boredom loneliness distraction inspiration providing an escape or relaxation Etc a health or Wellness business like a doctor a health author or a fitness YouTuber helps solve all sorts of problems or needs with information and inspiration and support to help people improve their health a tax accountant solves the problems of tax preparation being complicated scary or time consuming for many people so think back what problems have you encountered that you solved or could solve what things have you learned how to do that could form the basis for a product a woman who I used to work with in New York City was from China .she was interested in traditional.
Chinese tea but even though we lived in New York City with its thrivingChinatown she wasn't satisfied with thetea choices available.she decided to solve this problem andstarted an online tea business calledtea drunk where she sells premium teas imported from China promotes and celebrates traditional Chinese teaculture and offers free and paid classesabout tea for The Connoisseur she'screated a thriving business around t abusiness does not have to be complicated to do well.Whatever problems and solutions you come up with try to estimate how big the potential Market opportunity is try to answer the questions how many people or businesses have this problem and how much might they pay for a solution ?when asking these questions you arefollowing the lead of some of the bestinvestors and startup companies TheVenture Capital investors they alwayswant to know what problem do you solve and how big is the market opportunity ?If you borrow this approach it can helpyou choose which of several differentbusiness ideas might be most attractiveto pursueto give you further ideas of problemsyou might find and to illustrate that itcan be simple things here are someproblems I've come across recently in my life.My wife wanted to raise chickens we live in a country environment that getsreally cold in the winter we knewnothing about raising chickens or abouthow to keep them safe in the cold so toanswer the countless questions we hadabout how to do it we scoured theinternet and YouTube looking for advice.I would have gladly paid for a course onraising chickens or a support resourceof some kind it would have saved us somuch time.same thing with bees she wanted to raise honeybees but again it was not a good resource available or at least not that we found.we would have gladly paid for a courseor help or food for thought if you work in a business what doesn't work well there.what slows things down or causesproblems or something that could be done ? a lot better faster or cheapercan you solve any of them is this aproblem that other companies have too solving these problems are all potential businesses.speaking of problems I'm having a smallproblem right now I can't quite reachthe like button on your screen could you do me a favor and justpush the like button if you're enjoyingThis article. I don't really understand itbut I heard a rumor that this somehowtells Google that this is a good articleto share I don't know and if you want more of this kind of content from me go ahead and subscribe too.Once you've identified some problemsthat you could solve that you believehave a big enough market opportunity to be worth your while think about how you could solve them for someone is itsomething that you would teach otherpeople how to do themselves or a service that you would do for them or something that you would make and sell decide how you will solve the problem.okay now listen carefully to what I'mabout to tell you this is a veryimportant point you should not spend aton of time trying to design the perfectsolution you can't because you don'tknow yet the extent of the customer'sproblem or what the perfect product isyou have an idea but you haven't tested it yet in the market.so put together what you think is theminimum viable product known as the MVP the smallest and or simplest product needed to solve the problem is you envision it and to get sales.This is what you bring to market sellthem this product first and then listento your customers to get feedbackwith the feedback you can evolve theproduct and make it better.this method is explained brilliantly ina book called The Lean Startup whichI'll link to in the description underthe article I highly recommend this book for all entrepreneurs and anyonethinking of starting a business it willliterally make you smarter by showingyou how to think about building andevolving a product to fit your Market.Kelly and Daniel are health and fitnessBuffs they enjoyed everything abouteating right and a good exercise routinebut when they look for videos on YouTube on these topics they found it lacking so they started a YouTube channel to fill the gap.their videos were not fancy just basicthe videos showed Kelly and Danielworking out together and coaching theviewers through the routine so viewerscould work out with them a classic MVPwell guess what people love them.their Channel and business named FitnessBlender has been wildly successful with 6.7 million subscribers on YouTube with loads of free videos plus a website where you can buy premium content and tools.start with the MVP and evolve it if andwhen necessary three you need to getpaid for providing the solution estimatehow much it will cost you to do or tomake include all of your time and coststhen decide how much you will charge forthe solution.you can set your price by doing marketresearch to see how much other peoplecharge for similar services or set theprice equal to your Cost Plus a markupfor profit to be profitable obviously your selling price needs to be higher than your cost be mindful though that depending on what you're selling.it might be difficult to determine theright price because it's not clear yethow valuable your product is to themarket or what your cost will beat this stage particularly before youlaunch a service based product theresimply may be too many unknowns you may not know for sure how much it will cost you to provide the product or solution because you may not know how much time it will take you to do the work involved ?you also won't know if the product isright for the market or if it needs alot of changes which could change thecost and you don't know yet how muchvalue it provides to your customersso at this point I just aim to set aprice that covers all my estimated costsincluding a reasonable wage for my time making sure to protect myself should cost be higher than expected and just try to make some sales.The product and pricing can be refinedlater the purpose of the early stages of all this are to test the product and learnJohn Lee Dumas used to drive to worklistening to podcasts but he gotfrustrated that the ones he liked onlycame out with maybe one episode per week.he really wished they were availablemore often then John realized that he could create the solution himself that he wished was available.so John launched his podcast calledentrepreneur on fire publishing one new episode every day.John's Focus initially was not Revenueit was on building a good productgranted his cost consisted mostly of hisown time but still he was basicallyworking for free initially to get theproduct up and running and in the hands of customers his listeners.well John's podcast was a big hit withnow over 100 million listens to hisepisodes before long he noticed thatsome of his listeners were asking himlots of questions about the stepsinvolved in making a podcast.this is where he refined his productoffering because his customers weretelling him they wanted something more in response he created an in-depth online resource to teach people all the steps involved in launching a podcast.this podcasting course was also a hugesuccess John has now run thesebusinesses for over a decade and mademany many millions of dollars from them this brings us to step four refine and repeat this is where you work on the stuff that can make you rich you'veidentified a product idea to solve aproblem for someone you've built aminimum viable product and got it intothe hands of initial customers up untilnow production of the product may bepretty manual and inefficient as youwork with initial customers or getfeedback from them if they bought afinished product learn from them andmake the product betterthen you'll sell and deliver the betterproduct over time you keep learning keep selling and keep making it betteralso start thinking about how to scaleup your production about how you canmake it faster and easier to produce and maybe even less expensive to make you'll also learn better what the valueproposition is to your customer whichwill help you in your sales andmarketing and in setting a better pricethis stage is where you start to makeyour business into a factory where youproduce more better cheaper.it's in the scaling of your businesswhere you start to leverage things other people processes software and Machinery depending on the nature of your business.which can help it to become wonderfully profitable.once again the steps are identify a problem solve the problem get paid refine and repeat there are countless examples of regular people building great businesses they're no better than you are no smarter no luckier they just found a problem identified a solution and took action if you really want to change your life don't waste time on side hustles work on identifying a problem and then create the solutionso get started now.I'll see you in the next article.
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