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lundi 20 mai 2024


 let's get straight into it number one

buy your friend's product at full price

if you want to help your friends who are

entrepreneurs then buy their products at

full price and tell others about it

there's this mindset to ask for mates

rates and ask for a discount because the

person selling is someone you know but

by doing this you're actually taking

from them not giving to them they will

let you know if they have a friends and

family discount that is available so the

best thing you can do for a small

business or an entrepreneur friend is to

buy their product at full price and

leave them a review number two marry the

financially stable we are programmed to

think that money is a taboo topic and

it's awkward to discuss and so often we

don't discuss that with our partners at

all unless there's a problem in fact

money is the top reason why couples

fight why did you spend that much how

are we going to pay for our bills this

month and so when you develop that

pattern of only speaking about it when

there's a problem then over time you're

going to dislike money you're going to

dislike talking about money or you're

just going to dislike your partner one

of the things that financially

successful couples do is they talk about

money regularly and proactively they

don't wait for a problem to rise before

they decide to talk about it laying out

your financial goals and laying out your

views on money is something you and your

partner want to get used to and you want

to have these conversations sooner

rather than later number three work from

a desk what do you think of when you

imagine your bed maybe sleep maybe

relaxing maybe chilling now what do you

think of when you imagine your desk work

productivity maybe a little bit of

stress that's exactly what your brain

does every single time you switch

environments it's something called

context dependent memory and it's a term

for saying that your brain links

behaviors with the places that you do

them when you perform a specific task in

a specific place you'll feel kind of

energy that will drive you to do that

task so working from a desk helps you

get the work done be productive but also

optimize for work-life balance when

you're able to shut your computer and

physically move away from your workspace

you're sending a clear signal to your

brain that is time to de-stress and

switch off you want to avoid mixing

location energy for different tasks next

we have think before accepting the first

offer there's two sides to every story

and the same goes for negotiations so

whether it's about to secure a new job

or accepting the terms on the lease for

a new car often the first offer that is

put on the table is not the best offer

that the other party can do and it's

usually just a starting point the other

party in most cases expects some back

and forth and negotiation has very much

been factored into their initial offer

so if you're always accepting the first

offer without even thinking you're very

likely leaving possibilities and

opportunities on the table understand

the root cause of jealousy this is one

that really helped me find my journey

and what I wanted to get out of my life

you can't be jealous of someone or

something that you don't truly want

yourself for example I'm not the least

bit jealous of someone who dresses

immaculately day in day out I I don't

want to it doesn't interest me it

doesn't spark anything in me but if I

saw someone doing what they truly loved

day in day out that used to make me feel

a certain way and I knew that more than

anything else that's what I wanted to

create instead of using jealousy to send

negative thoughts into the world or to

other people put it into inspiration use

that negative energy and put it into

motivation when you get that unsettled

feeling recognize and give yourself room

to unpack and understand whatever it is

that you're jealous of and then put your

energy into making that thing happen for

yourself next say less than necessary

I'm finding more and more two types of

people in life and specifically on

social media on one side there's the

people who say oh I've been working

really hard on this book or this product

or in the service for the last two years

and it's finally here and you realize

that they haven't mentioned that at all

over the last two years that they've

been working on it they've been working

on it in the background and in silence

and then on the other side there are

people who are telling everyone they

meet about how they've got all these big

plans coming up and watch the space and

there's something coming soon and then

you don't hear about that thing again

nothing comes from it it's so easy to

get the kick and the validation you need

from posting about doing the thing and

telling everyone about doing the thing

instead of actually doing it by saying

less than necessary I don't mean

gatekeeping information or being

secretive about the knowledge you have

I'm a big believer in absolutely the

opposite I'm an open book on this

YouTube channel but I do believe that to

do anything great and to really set

yourself apart you need to spend more

time doing the thing than talking about

doing it next we have eating healthy

this is a key part that gets forgotten

about in the hustle and grind and it's

so easy to just get a takeaway or get an

ubereats when you have a million things

to do but if you have your health in

check you're able to perform better you

can work Less hours and more

productively so you want to eat healthy

now at the moment my life is a bit

chaotic I've got different things that

are going on even when I'm not able to

spend time to cook an organically

healthy meal a product that I've been

relying on recently is hewell who are

very kindly sponsoring this article you

already know that I have been a paying a

customer for heal for the past two years

now and there are two products that I

have been really enjoying recently one

of them is they're ready to drink and

I've been getting deliveries for this

monthly and it's a whole meal a whole

nutritionally complete meal in a single

bottle and the second thing I've been

loving recently as I'm getting back into

my exercise routine is their protein

powder I add 300 milliliters of cold

water first and then one scoop of

complete protein I then give it a good

Shake in my heel Shaker which I got for

free with my first order along with the

t-shirt and you could get the same using

the link below so thank you so much fuel

for sponsoring this article and for

helping me make sure I'm getting all my

proteins and my minerals into my diet

next we have read every day there is a

constant Chase for mentors and we often

think we need a mentor to unlock

opportunities to unlock possibilities we

need a mentor to get past a certain

level we need to be around a certain

group of people to level up what we

often miss is that everything that we

need every skill that we need to learn

every problem that we need solved can be

figured out somehow through the internet

through a podcast through an interview

through a book books are the most

radically condensed form of knowledge in

the world you can get someone's 10 years

worth of knowledge and experience

condensed into a book that you can read

over a weekend if I really want someone

to be my mentor and they're so far Out

Of Reach I'll listen to every podcast

they have every interview and I'll read

every book written by them next we have

focus on practicality a lot of us get

tied up with this whole find your

passion find your purpose BS and we put

so much equity on it that we don't get

started on anything until we have a

clear view on what our passion or

purpose is but the truth is that very

few people are successful from finding

their passion on their first go and then

making a living from it it's so hard to

do and it takes months and years of

trying other things first and seeing

what sticks focus on learning skills

that are practical focus on skills or

businesses that are practical all these

things that you try may not be the thing

that leads to what you where you want to

be eventually but it will definitely

help you in getting there it will put

you further than just sitting and

waiting for your passion and purpose to

come to you before you get started next

we have spend time in solitude I went to

a motivational talk recently and the

speaker asked the 2000 people in the

room to stand and he then said If in the

last seven days you have spent more than

seven consecutive waking hours away from

your phone then sit down and no one in

the room sat down he then reduced those

seven consecutive hours to five hours so

if you've spent more than five waking

hours away from your phone then sit down

a few people sat down he then reduced it

to three hours maybe about 100 or so

people sat down and then one hour and

the majority of people in the room stood

standing most of us can't spend time

away from our phones and researchers

show that due to smartphones we have a

harder time concentrating we don't know

what to do with our down time or our

boredom and we feel anxious when we

don't have our phones because we feel

like we're missing out on something if

you want to live a life that is

different from everyone else's and you

want to do things that other people

aren't willing to do spend some time

every day by yourself without your phone

and take this time to reflect on where

you are and where you want to be Choose

Yourself I've been having a lot of

conversations recently from different

people from different walks of life and

I don't know what it is but every single

conversation I've had with the person

has been around starting something new

and doing something different and taking

a different path but the thing that

stops them or stops anyone is always

external factors my family don't believe

it I don't want to get judged I feel

like I'll get laughed at and I've always

said this as long as you're doing what

you want and you're not hurt or harming

anyone else and doing it don't for a

second focus on what the external noise

and people around you are saying don't

let the opinions of others stop you from

living your life we are the sum of all

our different choices and only you have

to deal with your life's consequences so

choose yourself and don't let other

people have the power to choose you and

this is a bit of a bonus Point here as I

add on from the previous point and that

is to influence rather than be

influenced don't doubt the value that

you have to give to the world you may

not feel like you're an expert in

anything but your story is a very unique

story whether you're super successful or

not there will never be anyone who has

your background and your story so use it

to your advantage and where possible

spend more time producing rather than

consuming that's it guys thank you for

watching if you like this article you may

also enjoy another articl that I have on

how I'm upgrading my finances this year

and also another one that I've got on

five Financial mistakes I've made and

what I've learned from them thanks for

watching and see you next week

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