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mercredi 22 mai 2024

I Quit Banking Job After Learning 3 Things reel story learn from it

 I'm about to resign I'm also letting go

of a sixf figure

bonus a sixf figure sign on that's Beau

be paid to me in March I've just sent my

manager I'm shaking. I've just sent my

manager a message to have a chat this


so let's see how it

goes. I spent the last nine years

climbing the corporate ladder getting

promoted taking on more responsibilities

asking for pay Rises negotiating bigger

bonuses and then earlier this year..

 I decided to walk away I decided to leave

investment banking for good and to date

it was the hardest decision I've ever

had to make and making it just two

months before receiving what would have

been the largest bonus of my career

probably makes it seem like I had lost

my mind to anyone on the outside the

truth is that even I didn't know if I

was making the right decision or if

everything think would turn out okay but

what I didn't know is that if I didn't

take the chance. I would live to regret

it as Obama famously said you don't have

to be 100% certain to make a decision

gather all the ideas the information

gather all the perspectives to get you

21% and once you reach that point make

the decision and find peace in the fact

that your choice was based on the

information that you had at that time

hopefully by sharing with you what got

me to the 51% it will give you the

courage to make

do the

same throughout the 9 years I spent in

banking there were a handful of people

who I really enjoyed working with and

one of those people was a woman who

worked in the same team as me she had

been doing the job for nearly 20 years

she loved what she did and she kind of

took on this mental role with me

she told me how things were done she sat

back with me after work to answer my

questions she gave me the lowdown on all

the office politics and then about 7

months after I joined the bank one

evening in the office her phone rank she

picked up put the phone down and walked

away from her desk and as soon as she

left my manager called me into another

room he told me I had just been promoted

and then explained the details of my new

position I told him that it sounded very

similar to her role and that we're now

covering the exact same clients so

what's the difference and he clarified

that she was with HR and had just been

let go at a time where I should have

been celebrating I just got promoted I

found myself in a situation that was

completely the polar opposite and it

changed my whole perspective on

professional life I learned that the

company you work for ultimately doesn't

owe you anything but a paycheck and in

this particular instance yes great I was

on the fortunate side but next year the

tables could turn and who's to say I

won't be on the other side they say

You're only as good as the hours you can

dedicate when you're working for someone

else and the amount that you earn is

directly tied to your time but the issue

is that even your time isn't in your

control and I realize that I can never

truly be financially independent and

financially free so long as I'm letting

someone else have more control over my

financial life than I

do the first few years of working in a

corporate they were fun they were

intellectually stimulating I was

learning a lot I felt like I was in this

real growth phase and then after that

things seemed to Plateau it wasn't

exciting anymore I wasn't feeling

challenged and I felt misaligned and

that feeling of misalignment it kept

getting bigger and really started to

take a toll on my mental health so I

decided to sign up for therapy sessions

and in my second session my therapist

told me that I need a life coach and I

remember thinking what on Earth how do I

even go about this what's the life coach

going to do let me just try and figure

this out my my own and so I went home

and I spent the next few days alone I

didn't do anything else but really

understand why I was feeling a certain

way why I was feeling misaligned what I

wanted to get out of life and why I was

feeling at the time really caged up and

during those days I realized I had

absolutely no interest in helping CEOs

of large companies or working on billion

doll transactions and the only reason

why I was doing it was firstly the

paycheck and second L the social status

I hate to admit it but I'd be lying if I

said that didn't play a massive part I

was living life solely based on

society's expectations I believed that I

should be grateful for having a somewhat

prestigious job and earning a good

salary because that's what most people

desire but it's not what I desired my

why is to inspire and motivate people to

take control of their finances and

ultimately their lives through sharing

my knowledge of money and my perspective

of money that's what success meant and

means for me that's what I do through my

YouTube channel through my courses

through my free workshops and what I can

tell you now is when you get clear on

what you want and what you want to do

and you live and breathe there and you

become so obsessed with doing that thing

nothing else matters whilst that six

figure bonus which I'll talk about more

in a second was incredibly incredibly

hard to walk away from I had got to a

point where no amount of additional

money would be able to keep me away from

living my why from the outside every

single person I spoke to told me I

should reconsider what I'm about to do

and every single person told me to stay

for a little bit longer so that I can at

least get paid that bonus but at this

point my bigger meaning took over yes I

could go back and cave in and get that

bonus but that would be an excuse for me

to stay for another year and another

year and keep getting paid to live

someone else's Vision rather than

working on my own when it comes to major

life decisions everyone will offer their

opinions usually with the best of

intentions and based on their own

experience but if you can find time for

Solitude and introspection and you can

stop letting other people's opinions

dictate your choices that's when things

really start falling into place maybe

your meaning and your purpose is within

your day job and you don't believe the

common notion that everyone should quit

or you might feel the exact opposite

regardless just make sure that that

decision is yours and not driven by


for a lots of people on social media

following your why is enough to quit

your job but if you've read my other

articles You full well know I've never

endorsed that idea on this platform I've

expressed frustration towards anything

or anyone promoting the notion of

leaving your job to just follow your why

implying that hard work alone will fix

everything and sort everything else out

it takes a specific type of person to

take that level of risk and that person

isn't me and that's precisely why the

the two major factors I mentioned

earlier weren't enough to tip the scale

because let's be honest bills exist

mortgage or rent payments exist

responsibilities exist that's just a

part of life and that is why I wasn't

able to leave sooner than I did I stayed

in banking for longer than I wanted to

because my salary was paying for me to

build up an emergency fund it was paying

for all of my investments my stocks and

shares property it was paying for all

the experiments I was doing behind the

scenes on my side hustles and yes I took

a huge pay cut at the time that I

resigned it was an 84% pay cut but I was

also in a very fortunate position that I

had enough of an emergency fund to last

me 9 months in case something didn't

work out and it was only when my side

hustles had matched my fixed costs plus

an additional 200 or300 more a month was

I comfortable in taking that risk I'm 30

we don't have kids and I knew that a

I'll be a lot happier doing something

that I truly love whilst giving back in

some way and B I'll still be able to

make money from it in a way that's not

tied to me trading my time like having

an impact on other people and getting

paid whilst I'm doing it there's nothing

better than that the reason why this

article makes me smile is because it was a

happi as I had been in a very long time

I finally felt aligned and like I was

getting paid to do something that I

loved what I didn't know as I was

recording that was that I'll be in a

position where I am now which is what I

make is astronomically higher than what

I used to make in banking I just did

what I loved I pushed myself out of my

comfort zone I became so obsessed with

my bigger meaning that I didn't have

time to think about what anyone else

thought I took the risk and I hoped that

the remaining 49% would somehow unfold

at the end of the day this is my journey

this is the path that I've decided to

take and the things that I did to get

there it may not be the right path for

everyone but hopefully by sharing some

of this it will give you the inspiration

and the courage to do the thing that

you've been putting up for so


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