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mardi 25 juin 2024

Real story how i stopped smoking?


Hi there to all of you. It's good to see you again, and it's been three years since I stopped smoking in this particular situation. That concludes our brief overview for this year. Alright! There were two or three minor flashbacks of my smoking. which, albeit brief, was nevertheless a quarter of a second! Is this typical, then? not typical? Yes, I believe that to be typical. The shape question is something I'm becoming used to, though I believe it's difficult for a woman to perceive! Due to my extreme thinness, I genuinely had an extremely thin figure similar to that of Jeanne Birkin, with very little or no breasts. When I was a smoker, I even desired to wear prosthetic breasts in order to obviously have a figure! since, despite my thinness, my chest was gone! Thus, the! On my legs, I saw an acceleration of cellulite. However, that still presents a challenge for me. But it's a little resort! Indeed, I play sports afterwards; I've never kept anything a secret from you! Despite not having the spirit of a sportswoman, I enjoy playing sports, but I'm not consistent because I get hurt a lot! Yes, I did lose a little of my enormous "fad"! And that's it! How are things going? That's alright when I get home! My stomach (laughs) when I get home! No, I'm kidding! Yes, I do have forms! It's still realistic and accurate! Also, I developed a small double chin, especially when I positioned myself in that way. That's not very nice, to be honest! I would then have to give myself a massage every night. In addition to being beneficial for my skin and wrinkles, I would have to perform a massage ritual! etc. As you saw in the video with the side effects, I was able to cure my intestinal issues, so I also take better care of myself now that I feel better about my skin! When experiencing adverse effects, particularly gastrointestinal ones, keep in mind that neurons are still present in the intestines. We are therefore not healthy when we are truly in pain, and it really does communicate a lot (with the brain). The fact that it impacts everything greatly bothers us! Furthermore, giving up smoking has serious drawbacks. You must alter your diet, but even after doing so, you shouldn't anticipate seeing benefits right away. Because things can go better for a few days and then return to normal! etc. For everyone experiencing adverse effects, courage! It takes whatsoever long it takes, and then it's over. So, I've benefited greatly from my confinement! To consider every one of my issues! Since we have this COVID, as you are aware! from the moment the lockdown began. Even Sylvain was going as I could see! We actually believed we were going to leave you for four days! That stopped me from wanting to smoke and instead made me ponder! On the contrary! Despite the myths to the contrary, smokers were far more likely than non-smokers. It doesn't imply no, though! Not at all! That does not imply that I desired to smoke once more. I guess I've been craving smokes again! Just a brief reminder since I was concerned. the ongoing concern for a loved one, etc. Awaits it, this concern; in fact, as I will explain to you, when my father was admitted to the hospital, he was informed in less than a week that there was a chance it was cancer. A little over two weeks ago, he also had surgery on half of his lung due to a tumor that was discovered, as I will explain to you later, to be about seven centimeters in diameter at the base of the lung. These specialists do not decide whether to operate on a patient's behalf. To hide the piercing to confirm for them that it was indeed cancer! In his memory, my father smoked for five or six years of his life before quitting at the age of forty. Thus, When I stopped at 41, it also served as my father's motivation since he made it there and then some! He was informed that there was a good "chance" at the age of 63 because he had previously smoked! It seemed unbelievable to him what he saw. He began to argue that since he was a craftsman and there was a lot of dust involved in the building industry, could it also be caused by dust? And, yes, a kind doctor told him to explain to him that, well, the light turns on when you press the switch! And that's it—he was an electrician! He realized that when we light up a cigarette, it's like flipping on a light that indicates cancer for the smoker! Would that then explain why some people who have never smoked but who live near smokers who smoke passively get smoker's cancer? Of course! Nevertheless, I'll carry on with my little tale; this was an extremely trying time! During COVID-19, etc., your father is in the hospital. I was unable to visit him in person because I live 200 kilometers away from his home. For what purpose? since this is the department where clusters are located, and I live in 93. A month ago, I was persuaded for the last time that there were still cases and that they were keeping it from us because they wanted us to cast our votes! and I performed well because Saint Ouen, which is only 400 meters from my house—you've heard of Saint Ouen—there are many mes! It's true that I have had times of loneliness, anxiety, and expectation! little recollections. So I did what I always did and laughed at him, just like I used to do! At that point, I was resisting withdrawal. So, I thought to myself, what now? And there it is, like it's a different creature! "What the hell is happening to you?" was said, and after that, there were no other issues. And now, after just over a week! Every day, my father calls me because he is in pain, exhausted, and open up till that point! He had a lung removed in half. I have excellent news to share, he says: it's not cancer! I therefore anticipated everything, save for that! It is then that he finds out he has a lung abscess. You see that? In addition, there is a tenuous connection between lung abscesses and the items we breathe. I'm telling you, it might be a dental illness, but we breathe that stuff. In addition, my father is a craftsman—but he does constant tweaking! and he inhales items, such as a toilet debauch product. Here, he had taken a breath. and who might have offered it to him! Okay, then, Dad, no! ignored the cancer the smoker had developed despite years of smoking and quitting. However, it's an abscess, so you can imagine my anxiousness. Let's assume that during the first week he wasn't feeling well, had testing, and then in the second week we found out it was cancer. In the third week, he underwent surgery, so perhaps it was a little longer than three weeks? To be told it wasn't cancer is so unsettling that time seems to stop. Envision a day when you look back and tell yourself, "I quit when I was 41. My father is 40 today; he's 63, and despite everything, he has smoker's cancer." You'll notice that, genetically speaking, I resemble him somewhat. It provokes thought! We refer to ourselves as being slim! Is it really worth it to give up smoking? Indeed! Indeed, it provokes thought! It's true that there was another urge at that very moment! That struck me as true as anything we think about triggers connections in our brains and with drugs, and if we're not strong, well! It's difficult... [My battery went out! This "We are really heroes!" t-shirt was what I found. Even just considering it, you should feel pleased of yourself! However, I reminded myself that it's not simple! We must commemorate the occasions and your initial days! Enjoy the first few months of your life, and remember to end your addictions annually. Like you, my motivation for this film is to share a moment of celebratory happiness! you are aware that I want to inspire you in every video I apologize for the video that showed my side affects, by the way. I genuinely agree with you that the music is awful if you think that! it's that you are making the proper decision to stop smoking, as I find it bothersome as well! I apologize, and every time someone says something to me like "it's a shame," I had to respond to him like this: "Yes, I understand that it's a rookie error, but we're a little "notch" throughout this side effect phase as well as somewhat in two distinct worlds! And I felt that this music worked pretty well with what I was saying when I selected it and edited my video!? And I'm incredibly repulsed right now! (laughing) However, that is the reality; although I could do it over for you, it would just be a memory! I'll have to recreate what I went through, and it won't be the same or reflect how I actually felt! I apologize now! all of this to let you know based on my statistics. (statistics) by posing inquiries to myself and being conscious of all available options as of right now. Since we speak with other ex-smokers and smokers who wish to stop when we are smokers ourselves. Excellent! All means are beneficial, if you agree with me! My little "gris-gris" came from carrying my last cigarette in a tiny vial around my neck! I could crack this open.

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