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samedi 22 juin 2024

a gambling addiction story

 I remember times going into the bookies, telling myself I wouldn't do it, yet finding myself alone in that odd room, slipping money into a machine. Back in university, it was all about the thrill, but I kept getting drawn back to gambling. Soon enough, I found myself sinking deeper into debt. It spiraled out of control when I started gambling online. Then, I met my wife. That's when I knew I needed to stop.

For a while, things seemed better. We had a house, paid the mortgage. I thought a small bet here and there wouldn't hurt. But it got heavier, winning big sums at times. I thought I could pay off debts, but I kept enough to keep gambling. Within a week, I was in £25,000 of debt. It hit me hard—I had to confess to my wife. She insisted I get help, join GA, and turn my life around.

Going to Gamblers Anonymous was a turning point. I felt a connection with others who understood my struggles. It was a safe space where I could talk openly. Since then, my life has changed drastically for the better. I'm more at peace with myself and have gained a clearer perspective.

Quitting gambling isn't easy. It's a journey filled with ups and downs. I believe sharing my story can help others facing similar struggles. It's crucial to seek support, whether through GA or talking to someone you trust. Opening up can be the first step towards a brighter future.

If you've ever felt that urge to bet and couldn't explain why, know that you're not alone. Many of us have been there. The best thing you can do is reach out for help. Whether it's joining a support group, talking to a counselor, or confiding in a loved one, taking that step can change your life.

Getting clean from gambling isn't just about stopping the habit—it's about reclaiming your life and finding a new path forward. Places like GA provide invaluable support and understanding. They offer a community where you can share your experiences without judgment.

If you're struggling with gambling, remember that there is hope. You can turn things around. Seek help, take that first step, and you'll find support to guide you through. It's never too late to start anew and build a life free from the grip of addiction.

In conclusion, overcoming gambling addiction is a journey worth taking. By reaching out and seeking help, you're not only helping yourself but also inspiring others to seek the support they need. Together, we can break free from the cycle of addiction and create a brighter future.

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