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mardi 25 juin 2024

posting every day is really important?


You will learn how frequently to post fresh content on your blog in this article. It's a typical query, particularly from newcomers. Perhaps you're wondering if posting every day is really important, or if posting once a week, twice a week, or even less often would be a better goal. Let's sort through the misinformation that exists and determine the ideal publishing frequency that suits your needs.

A common belief is that maintaining an audience requires regular publishing. They contend that people will become disinterested and quit if you don't write frequently. But that's not totally accurate. Once you have an audience, particularly one that you have cultivated through email subscriptions, you may entice them back each time you release a new piece. Even if you don't write on a daily basis, a timely email can alert your readers and encourage them to visit your blog again.

Consider Brian Dean, for instance, who updates less than once a month while having over 100,000 subscribers. His approach prioritizes quality over quantity to make sure his readers value and look forward to each piece.

Overpublishing might sometimes be detrimental to your site. It can overwhelm your audience and lessen the visibility of your earlier pieces. It's best to concentrate on producing intelligent, high-quality material that stands out in a crowded online area rather than overflowing your blog with daily entries that can be shallow or unoriginal.

Another myth is the concept of "crossing the desert," which refers to the belief put forth by marketers that you must write frequently at first in order to get recognition. Because traffic doesn't just magically arrive with every new post, this technique is incorrect. Strategic promotion and regular production of high-quality, audience-relevant content are essential to traffic building.

So what's the best course of action? The key is to strike a balance. Invest time in creating thorough, well-researched articles that offer genuine value to your readers, as opposed to producing articles on a daily basis. Better-quality articles that are promoted well and published seldom can generate more traffic and interaction than infrequent but overlooked daily entries.

I took a calculated approach when I launched Traffic Mania: fewer posts annually (about 20–25), but each one carefully prepared to provide real value. I spent the remainder of my time advertising these posts on many platforms, which included interacting with communities and other bloggers by emailing subscribers.

The important thing is promotion. To make sure that all of your hard work is noticed, devote as much time to content promotion as you do to content creation. This strategy not only increases the authority of your blog but also draws in a devoted readership that appreciates your knowledge and thoughts.

To sum up, avoid making the mistake of thinking that more postings equate to more visitors. Success in the cutthroat world of blogging is primarily determined by well-written content and efficient marketing. It is possible to create a successful blog that stands out and gradually draws in a loyal following by concentrating on writing insightful, well-promoted posts.

Recall that strategic promotion and quality matter more than quantity. If you adhere to these guidelines, your blog will succeed over the long run and you will attract readers who appreciate your content.

Thus, give your content careful thought, market them aggressively, and watch your blog grow. Cheers to your blogging!

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